place someone

بجا آوردن و شناختن

to recall someone's name; to recall the details about a person that would help you identify the person.

I can't place her. Did I meet her once before?

His days are numbered

چیزی از عمرش باقی نمانده

one is facing death or dismissal

Don't let that comes between us

اجازه نده جدايي بين ما پیش بیاد

If something comes between two people, it harms their relationship:

Don't let one little quarrel come between you.

You keep out of this, please !

لطفا شما در اين مورد دخالت نكنيد!

keep out of something to not become involved with something.

You keep out of this. It’s none of your concern.

I get into hot water

تو مخمصه افتادم، گرفتارشدم

in a difficult situation in which you are likely to be punished, in trouble

There was no way out

چاره ای نبوده

There was no choice

You go in one ear and out of the other

از اين گوش ميشنوي و از اون يكي ميدي بيرون!

you quickly forget it

If I have to listen to something I don't understand, it just goes in one ear and out the other.

Paper over the cracks (in something)

ماست مالي كردن، عيب پوشالی

to try to hide faults or difficulties, often in a hasty or not very successful way.

Tom tried to paper over the cracks in his relationship with the boss, but it was not possible.

Put it down to experience

تجربه ميشه واست

to decide that instead of being upset about something bad that has happened or that you have done, you will learn from it.

Okay, so you made a mistake - you just have to put it down to experience and carry on with your life.

Do you follow me?

متوجه حرفام ميشي؟!

understand what I am saying, understand my meaning [OR], get my drift [OR], to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.)

"Do you follow me?" "Yes, except for the financial idioms."

You mean a world to me

شما برام يه دنيا ارزش داری

another way of saying I love you

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

بهتره كه يك شمع روشن كني،بجاي اينكه تاريكي رو نفرين كني!

You were greatly [deeply, sorely] missed

جاي شما واقعا خالي بود!