### سوالات، درخواستها و مشكلات خود را درمورد زبان انگليسی اينجا مطرح كنيد ###

Lord HellisH

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کاربر ممتاز
لطفا تمامی سوالات سوالات، درخواستها و مشكلات خود را درمورد زبان انگليسی را فقط اينجا مطرح كنيد و پس از ارسال سوال صبور باشید.

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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز

مواد امتحاني و مدت پاسخگويي به سوالات آزمون:

آزمون (TOLIMO:E-A2005 ) شامل 140 سوال چهار گزينه اي و يك سوال در بخش نوشتاري در حيطه هاي زباني زير است:
1- بخش نوشتاري( يك سوال و مدت پاسخگويي 30 دقيقه)
2- ساختار و نوشتار زباني( 40 سوال و مدت پاسخگويي 30 دقيقه)
3- خواندن و درك مطلب( 50 سوال و مدت پاسخگويي 55 دقيقه)
4- درك مطلب شفاهي( 50 سوال و مدت پاسخگويي 35 دقيقه)

محاسبه نمره كل:

نمره هر قسمت آزمون در مقياس معمول محاسبه و ده برابر ميانگين اين نمرات به عنوان نمره كل منظور مي شود. دامنه نمره كل از 217 تا 657 است. نمره بالاتر از 600 عالي ، بين 520 تا 599 خوب، بين 480 تا 519 متوسط و كمتر از 479 ضعيف تلقي مي شود. لازم به ذكر است كه بخش نوشتاري نمره جداگانه دارد و نمره آن بين 1 تا 6 مي باشد كه در كنار نمره كل در كارنامه درج خواهد شد.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
patriot,ممنون ولی اینها تو سایت سنجش هست.می خواستم ببینم کسی کتاب لغتی رو می شناسه که بدرد این ازمون بخوره.اسم کتاب رو می خوام.


عضو جدید


من فرصت رفتن به اموزشگاه ندارم.ميشه يه كتاب خوب به من معرفي كنيد.ممنون


عضو جدید
با سلام
اگر منظورت کتاب آموزش لغات باشه من کتابه 1100 words you need to know رو بهت پیشنهاد می کنم خیلی کتاب مفیدیه من خودم نتیجه اش رو گرفتم.


عضو جدید
فارغ التحصیلان زبان آزاد اراک ورودی 81

فارغ التحصیلان زبان آزاد اراک ورودی 81

سلام به همه دوستان من میخواستم با یکی از فارغ التحصیلان دانشگاه آزاد اراک رشته ادبیات انگلیسی ورودی سال 81 اشنا بشم .saranazari2000@yahoo.com


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
سلام به همه دوستان من میخواستم با یکی از فارغ التحصیلان دانشگاه آزاد اراک رشته ادبیات انگلیسی ورودی سال 81 اشنا بشم .saranazari2000@yahoo.com
با عرض معذرت بايد بگم تو اين سايت رو هم 7 8 نفرم رشتشون زبان نيست چه برسه به كسي كه ورودي 81 باشه دانشگاه آزاد اراك هم باشه ادبيات انگليسي هم باشه :D


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
كمك فوري

كمك فوري

سلام.يه مقاله ي كوتاه راجع به موضوع علم بهتر است يا ثروت ميخوام كسي ميتونه كمك كنه؟عجله دارم اگه كسي ميتونه اين لطف رو در حق من انجام بده ممنون ميشم.


عضو جدید
who can help me

who can help me

hi dear friends
I want to take part in MA exam this year
my major is english translation but I some students say teaching is easier
please tell your idea and help me by sending refrence books names.
Do you want to study with me:cry:


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
hi dear friends
I want to take part in MA exam this year
my major is english translation but I some students say teaching is easier
please tell your idea and help me by sending refrence books names.
Do you want to study with me:cry:

hi my new friend
actually i couldn’t understand ur point. i mean u said ur major is English translation but on the other hand u wrote that ur major is engineering. i guess u meant that u want to study English translation in future and u want to change your major….

anyway as i know for MA , teaching is the best! there are 2 main factors for that: the first one is that the number of students whom they accept for teaching is 4th more than other branches as English literature and English translation and linguistics, so your chance for passing the exam is higher. the second reason is that the courses you need to study in teaching is much easier than other branches. yes teaching is much easier!
but it also depends on what u have in ur mind as ur future job…..
and also passing MA exam for English translation is really hard. first u study every sources they mentioned but finally u got none of them in the exam!!!! and second they just accept 20 student from all over the country (of course except azad university)

unfortunately i don’t have the reference books name since i’m in the 3rd year and don’t want to study from now. but if u search in the internet, u’ll get what u want​


عضو جدید


dear sara
:gol:thank you very much .
I am a third year student like you but I study in two major.;I can not wait to study a year.so I started earlier.where do you study?If you like we can study together:redface:


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
dear sara

:gol:thank you very much .

I am a third year student like you but I study in two major.;I can not wait to study a year.so I started earlier.where do you study?If you like we can study together:redface:
dear haghighat,
u mean u study 2 major simultaneously? :que: i study english translation in azad university of karaj..... but u know its too soon for me to start studying for MA. maybe next year i'll try for that
so i can just wish u success in the exam....:gol:

نفت خام

عضو جدید
your key to success

your key to success

patriot,ممنون ولی اینها تو سایت سنجش هست.می خواستم ببینم کسی کتاب لغتی رو می شناسه که بدرد این ازمون بخوره.اسم کتاب رو می خوام.

504 absolutely essential words
essential words for the TOEFL

This two amazing books will help you
By reading them you eill need nothing else
I promise :victory:


مدیر ارشد
مدیر کل سایت
مدیر ارشد
خب جالب اینجاست که آزمون تولیمو جز ایران در جائی دیگر معتبر نیست ، ولی سخت تر از آزمون های دیگر می باشد.
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واکنش ها: nino


عضو جدید


Hi everybody
my english writteing is too bad so excuse me
after all tanks ,for your writtings especially from sara_hyperactive
I think with good topics we can emprove our learninig so please help us
again tanks​


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
hi dear hadis
welcome to this farum and esp. to the english part of that....
you can share ur nice ideas with us in ENGLISH TALK. i hope we'll use of ur nice activities here...;)
be happy and enjoy ur time:)


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
hi dear hadis

welcome to this farum and esp. to the english part of that....
you can share ur nice ideas with us in ENGLISH TALK. i hope we'll use of ur nice activities here...;)

be happy and enjoy ur time:)

hi my friends
my english writhing is too bad .
this idea is good for evry one that come here and chat with together about ways to learning english.


عضو جدید
say some thing

say some thing

Hi everybody
please say some thing to have discussion about it
like : I am employee in an affice how should I behaive there?
or how is our offices etc
please say your topic to chose one of them and talk about that


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
Hi everybody

please say some thing to have discussion about it
like : I am employee in an affice how should I behaive there?
or how is our offices etc
please say your topic to chose one of them and talk about that

hey there
please say whatever u want as a new topic for discussion here:

it's better to have just 1 topic for such discussions
be happy and enjoy ur life!​


عضو جدید


hi how are u
can u introdiuce me a software that can translate text or sentences to farsi
if u know plz say


عضو جدید
دوست من سلام

اگه منظورتون نرم افزار تغيير زبان متون انگليسي

به فارسي كه بتونه جملات رو ترجمه كنه بايد بگم خيلي كم پيداست

اما اگه بخواين كلمات رو ترجمه كنه براتون گير ميارم



عضو جدید
دوست من سلام

اگه منظورتون نرم افزار تغيير زبان متون انگليسي

به فارسي كه بتونه جملات رو ترجمه كنه بايد بگم خيلي كم پيداست

اما اگه بخواين كلمات رو ترجمه كنه براتون گير ميارم
hi rasarayaneh
no thanks I have babylon dictionary but I want software that u said
I know padideh software but I haven't it
again tanks
دوره های زبان

دوره های زبان

خیر سرم خواستم برم کلاس زبان.
این ور اون ور جویا شدم ،دیدم چقدر دنگ وفنگ داره.
نمیدونم دوره ielets tofelو....
والا گیج شدم کدومشو برم.
حالا شما منو براهنمایید که کدومو کجا برم؟
ضمنا دانشجوی سال سوم برقم وزبانم دیگه یواش یواش لازمه.البته زیادم تو زبان بیلمز نیستما یه چیزایی سر در میارم.


عضو جدید
فیلم هایی که جنبه اموزشی دارن

فیلم هایی که جنبه اموزشی دارن

با سلام

دوستان من به دنبال فیلم هایی میگردم که به توان برای یادگیری زبان استفاده کرد ( جنبه اموزشی داشته باشن )

مطمئتا دوستان فیلم های زیادی را میتوانن معرفی نمایند

موفق باشید


عضو جدید
درخواست لینک دانلود How do you do

درخواست لینک دانلود How do you do

سلام دوستان
می خواستم بونم که کسی لینک دانلود مجموعه آموزشی How do you do رو داره؟ یه فرصت پیش اومده که می تونم دانلود کنم. کسی می تونه بهم کمک کنه؟

متشکر از لطف تون


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درخواست فوري

درخواست فوري

سلام من تا فردا يك تحقيقي ميخوام مثلا ريشه كلمات انگليسي حالا هركلمه اي كه باشه فقط در حد يك صفحه اونم چند تا كلمه مثلا چه جوري شده كه الان اين شكللي شده
مرسي خيلي فوريه اگه ميدونين بگين مرسي مرسي


مدیر ارشد
مدیر کل سایت
مدیر ارشد
به این اصطلاح اتیمولوژی etymologe گویند که به معنی ریشه شناسی معروف می باشد. مثلا کلمه زعفران از زبان فارسی وارد انگلیسی شده است و یا ماست از زبان آذری وارد شده است و یا خانم از زبان روسی وارد زبان انگلیسی شده است و خیلی کلمات دیگر....
A Persian coin or unit of weight; an Afghan coin. Etymology: Abbas plus Persian suffix i; literally, "of Abbas", with reference to Abbas I (died 1628), shah of Persia.[1] Not to be confused with the Abbasi family or the Abbasid dynasty.

A wine manufacturer or seller, whose trade is subject to abkari tax. Etymology: Persian abkar, from ab "water, liquid" (from Old Persian pi-) + kar, "doer" (from Middle Persian).

Etymology: "abkari." manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors or drugs.

Etymology: Perhaps from Persian aspand. alcoholic liqueur distilled from wine mixed with wormwood.

Etymology: Greekified of Old Persian Hakhaamanesh. The Old Persian Achaemenid empire from 559 B.C to 330 B.C.[5]

Etymology: Persian achar. a pickled article of food as prepared in India : a pickle or relish

Etymology: Arabic ifrit, probably from Persian afarida created being. a powerful evil jinni, demon, or monstrous giant in Arabic mythology.

Afghan combined with Persian suffix stan. Literally meaning "Land of Afghans" in Persian.

from Persian Ahriman. Zoroastrian conception of evil.

Etymology: Persian ahu, from Middle Persian ahuk. the common gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) of central Asia.

Etymology: Chinese a-hong from Persian akhun. theologian, preacher.

Ahura Mazda
from Old. Pers Auramazdâ. Zoroastrian conception of God literally meaning wise lord.
Etymology: Hindi akhundzada, from Persian, from akhund teacher + zada son. In India the son of a head officer -- used as a title

from the name of the Persian scientist Khwarazmi.

from Arabic al-kakanj the ground-cherry originally from Persian kakunaj.

Etymology: Hindi & Persian aman, from Arabic amanah security. The aman+i (where the suffix i is Persian).

Angra Mainyu
older version of Ahriman.

Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek angareia, from angaros royal (Persian) courier. In Roman and civil law : a compulsory service exacted by the government, a lord, or the church
Etymology: Middle English angel, from Old French angele, from Late Latin angelus, from Greek angelos (translation of Hebrew mal'kh), literally, messenger, probably of Iranian origin; akin to the source of Greek angaros imperial Persian courier; perhaps akin to Sanskrit angiras one of a group of luminous divine beings. a supernatural spirit especially in Persian, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic theologies that is commonly depicted as being winged and serving as God's messenger and divine intermediary and as special guardian of an individual or nation.

Etymology: Old Persian apadana palace, from apa- away + dana container. the great hall in ancient Persian palaces.
etymology not necessarily Persian although first mentioned in the Old Persian inscription of the Achaemenids as Armina. Arman.

from zarnig.[23]

from Ariya.[24]

from Old Persian Ariya.[25]

Etymology: Persian. a Persian card game similar to poker and by some thought to be its progenitor.[26]

Etymology: Persian aza (mastic) + Latin foetida. tTe fetid gum resin of various Persian and East Indian plants of the genus Ferula occurring in the form of tears and dark-colored masses, having a strong odor and taste, and formerly used in medicine as an antispasmodic[27]

evil spirit, prince of demons, from L. Asmodaeus, from Gk. Asmodaios, from Talmudic Heb. Ashmeday, from Avestan (Old-Iranian) Aesh-ma-dæva, lit. "Aeshma the deceitful."[28]

Sometimes considered a Persian word; see Assassin and Hashshashin for discussion.

from Persian بادنجان Bâdinjân itself maybe originally from Sanskrit.[29]

Etymology: from Arabic 'amal work + Persian -dar (agent suffix). A revenue collector in India.[30]

see next entry.

Etymology: Avesta, sacred books of the ancient Zoroastrian religion (from Middle Persian Avastik) + English -an. of or relating to the Avesta or to Avestan.[31]

Etymology: New Latin, from Persian azad dirakht, literally, free or noble tree.[32]

Etymology: French azédarac, from Persian azad dirakht, literally, free or noble tree[33]

from Persian Ashiyana (آشیانه)

Azure (color)
from Medieval Latin azura, from Persian lājaward[34]

[edit] B

Etymology: from Persian papoosh (پاپوش), from pa "foot" + poosh "covering." a chiefly oriental slipper made without heel or quarters.[35][36]
Etymology: Persian babul; akin to Sanskrit babbula, babbla (Acacia arabica). an acacia tree (Acacia arabica) that is probably native to the Sudan but is widespread in northern Africa and across Asia through much of India[37]
Etymology: French badiane, from Persian baadiaan anise.[38]
From Middle Persian Bhagadad "Gifted by God"
Etymology: Persian Bakhtyr, perhaps from bakhtyr fortunate, rich, from bakht fortune, prosperity. a member of the Bakhtiari people.[39]
from Persian bakhshesh (بخشش), lit. "gift," from verb bakhshidan "to give.". a gift of money[40][41]
Etymology: probably from Hindi, from Persian baalaa above (from Middle Persian) + Hindi gaht pass. tableland above mountain passes.[42]
Etymology: balaakhana from Persian balaa = above + khana = house, upperhouse [43]
Etymology: Persian Baluch, Baluchi. an Indo-Iranian people blended from a mixture of the Veddoid type isolated in the Hadhramaut and of the Irano-Afghan type and located in Baluchistan in the southwestern part of Pakistan.[44]
Etymology: from Baluchistan, country of western Asia, from Persian Baluchistaan. a rug in somber colors (as mulberry and deep blue) woven by nomad tribes in Baluchistan and especially Seistan.[45]
Ban (title)
"governor of Croatia," from Serbo-Croat. ban "lord, master, ruler," from Persian baan (بان) "prince, lord, chief, governor"[46]
possibly from Persian (khāneh "house").[47]
Etymology: Persian barsam, from Middle Persian barsum, from Avestan barsman. a bundle of sacred twigs or metal rods used by priests in Zoroastrian ceremonies.[48]
Etymology: Hindi bas, from Persian. The word means Enough, Stop.[49]
from Persian بازار bāzār (="market"), from Middle-Persian bahâ-zâr ("The Place of Prices").[50]
Etymology: Hindi bazigar, from Persian. literally means a player and it refers to a gypsylike nomadic Muslim people in India.[51]
Etymology: Middle French bedegard, from Persian baadaaward. gall like a moss produced on rosebushes (as the sweetbrier or eglantine) by a gall wasp (Rhodites rosae or related species)[52]
Etymology: Hindi begaar, from Persian bi-kaar. Meaning without work, forced labor.[53]
Etymology: Hindi begaar, from Persian. Meaning a person without work, a forced laborer.[54]
Etymology: French, perhaps from Italian bambagia cotton, from Medieval Latin bambac-, bambax, from Middle Greek bambak-, bambax, probably from a Turkish word represented now by Turkish pamuk cotton, probably of Persian origin; akin to Persian pamba cotton. cloth (as dress goods) made of natural undyed wool. a variable color averaging light grayish yellowish brown. a pale to grayish yellow.[55] "beige" /bazh/ may derive from "camBYSES" (Gk. "byssos" fine cloth, "bysses.byses" fine threads. Persian princes' robe)<Persian "kamBUJIYA"<Babylonian "kamBUZI" title of kings of Babylon who wore the robe each New Year.
Etymology: French, from Arabic balilaj, from Persian balilah. the fruit of the bahera. compare to MYROBALAN.[56]
Etymology: modification of Persian balam. a Persian-gulf boat holding about eight persons and propelled by paddles or poles.[57]
Etymology: Hindi benaam, from Persian banaam in the name of + i. made, held, done, or transacted in the name of.[58]
from pād-zahr (پادزهر) antidote. Also used in the following words BEZOAR, ORIENTAL BEZOAR, PHYTOBEZOAR, TRICHOBEZOAR, WESTERN BEZOAR. any of various concretions found in the alimentary organs (especially of certain ruminants) formerly believed to possess magical properties and used in the Orient as a medicine or pigment --[59][60]
Etymology: from Persian bihisht heavenly one. India : a water carrier especially of a household or a regiment.[61]
Etymology: Hindi bhumidar, from bhumi earth, land (from Sanskrit also Persian Bumi and Old Persian Bum) + dar holder (from Persian). India : a landholder having full title to his land.[62]
Etymology: Hindi bibi, from Persian.[63]
Etymology: Hindi beldar, from Persian bildaar, from bil spade + -dar holder. Digger, Excavator.[64]
Etymology: Hindi, or Urdu biryaan from Persian beryaan. roasted, grilled. Also an Indian dish containing meat, fish, or vegetables and rice flavored with saffron or turmeric.[65][66]
Etymology: Hindi babarchi, from Persian baawarchi. India : a male cook[67]
Etymology: modification of Middle French bombace, from Medieval Latin bombac-, bombax cotton, alteration of Latin bombyc-, bombyx silkworm, silk, from Greek bombyk-, bombyx silkworm, silk garment, probably of Persian origin; akin to Persian pamba cotton. 1) obsolete : cotton or any soft fibrous material used as padding or stuffing 2) a pretentious inflated style of speech or writing.[68]
Etymology: from Persian burah. the best-known sodium borate Na2B4O7.10H2O[69][70]
Turkish bostanci, literally, gardener, from bostan garden, from Persian bustaan flower or herb garden, from bo fragrance + -stan place. one of the imperial guards of Turkey whose duties include protecting the palace and its grounds, rowing the sultan's barge, and acting as imperial gardeners[71]
Etymology : Perhaps ultimately from Pers. birinj "copper.".[72]
Etymology: from Persian badingaan, probably from Sanskrit vaatingana. Eggplant.[73]
Etymology: Hindi bakhsis, from Persian bakhshish.[74]
Etymology: Persian badma'sh immoral, from bad bad (from Middle Persian vat) + ma'sh (Arabic) living, life. India : a bad character : a worthless person.[75]
Etymology: Persian bakhshi, literally, giver, from bakhshidan to give. India: a military paymaster.[76]
Etymology: Persian originally borrowed from Arabic. a Persian songbird frequently mentioned in poetry that is a nightingale. a maker or singer of sweet songs.[77]
Etymology: Hindi band, from Persian. An embankment used especially in India to control the flow of water.[78]
Bunder Boat
Etymology: Hindi bandar harbor, landing-place, from Persian. a coastal and harbor boat in the Far East.[79]
Etymology: Hindi band-o-bast, literally, tying and binding, from Persian. India : arrangement or settlement of details.[80]
Etymology: Russian, probably from buryi dark brown (of a horse), probably of Turkic origin; akin to Turkish bur red like a fox; the Turkic word probably from Persian bur reddish brown;[81]
Etymology: Hindi barqandz, from Persian, from barq lightning (from Arabic) + andz thrower. an armed guard or policeman of 18th and 19th century India.[82]
from Persian buz "goat" + kashi "dragging"[83]

[edit] C

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