Author: The Heinemann ELT TOEFL
Publisher: Max Hueber Verlag
Publication date: 1999
Format / Quality: ISO, PDF
Size: 158.00MB
The LANGMaster TOEFL consists of two CD-ROMs – The Heinemann ELT TOEFL Preparation Course and The Heinemann ELT TOEFL Practice Tests. Each title is based on best-selling TOEFL material published by the UK-based publishing house Macmillan Heinemann ELT. They are suitable for both in-class and self-study.Preparation for examination (CD1) - an Intelligent Personal Planner (personal planner) composes training schedule on the basis of the standard of knowledge of the language - each of 68 lessons contains theoretical material and practical exercises - the CD contains diagnostic test, two complete TOEFL tests and short intermediate tests. Practical tests (CD2) - are proposed five complete versions of tests with strategies of their fulfillment - after the fulfillment of test it is possible to learn your results, to find out which were your mistakes and to obtain correct answers with commentaries - the software gives you the possibility to work with the tests in the same conditions as at the real examination, including time constraint.
How to install: You need software emulator like DAEMON Tools or MagicISO's - MagicDisc. Right click on icon located in your systray, near clock in right low corner of your Desktop. Chose option Mount CD and your program will be recognized as another Disk besides existing one(s). Go to My Computer, choose option Explore, and right click on Run.exe and choose option create shortcut (Send to Desktop - Create shortcut). Now, your icon is placed on Desktop. Rename it from Shortcut to Run.exe to LANGMaster Preparation for instance. That's all. I also added PDF file as separate file, so you can download first that and than when you see what's all about to download software
How to install: You need software emulator like DAEMON Tools or MagicISO's - MagicDisc. Right click on icon located in your systray, near clock in right low corner of your Desktop. Chose option Mount CD and your program will be recognized as another Disk besides existing one(s). Go to My Computer, choose option Explore, and right click on Run.exe and choose option create shortcut (Send to Desktop - Create shortcut). Now, your icon is placed on Desktop. Rename it from Shortcut to Run.exe to LANGMaster Preparation for instance. That's all. I also added PDF file as separate file, so you can download first that and than when you see what's all about to download software
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