English Talk


عضو جدید
love you

love you

hi dear mariyonet20002000,

nice to have you here but we changed the topic. bigbang theory is not our topic for discussion anymore. members decided to change it. now the topic is about relationships before marriage. if you have any idea about that plz share it with us.

thank you anyway.​

sara ..............i love you very very veryyyyyyyyyyyy much:heart: :heart: :heart:


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
hi moda:gol: .
at last you come here lovely.;)
i love you too much toooooooooooooo.:gol: :gol:
i need your ideas like always but this time in english. can you say me that you belive in relatinship before marriage or not?​


عضو جدید
dear sara
yeah you are right I said it to maral too that maybe it happens that parents be unlogical but I said that we are muslems and our religon thinks for al of this cases...
I dont know that you are aware of this marage rule in Islam or not but this kind of marage is faulse. in the marage the girl- boy and girls father should be agree. but why the agreement of girls father is important? Islam said to us that because the girls are romantic their father should see the boy by his brain the work that girl cant do in that situation.
yeah respecting to parents and their belives do not mean that obeying them in all cases. maybe you have difrent idea but you can solve this difrences by speaking to them. in some cases it dosent matter that you do by youre idea or by their idea and it is not so important but I think that in some cases we should speak think and do the best.
i agree with maral about family. they are important but if you want to just listen to them what is your own role in your life? is it your life or theirs? they are important but if they think you are important too. if your parents force you to marry someone whom you dont love at all, because you respect them, you agree them too? don't forget respecting your parents is diffrent from obeying them any time and in any situation while they are so unlogical.​


عضو جدید
dear maral
when I said we should respect their idea I mean that we should try to undrestand what they want from us and why? yeah youre right sometimes their ideas are traditional and they dont think as our nation in some subjects they dont have right for example the parents who are taking their children away from internet in 21century which is named the it century. but we should accept that in most of the cases they are right.
I am just like you like other yong people who are arguing with their parents but most of the times I discuss because my own idea not the right one. It is the problem that all of youngs like me have. we think that relationship between boys and girls should be free but we see that the countries which experinced this are now upset and ashamed. we are living in islamic country and in oposite of americans and englands we are mouslem so we should respect to which we say that we belive in
dear moongiirl

your right i dont mean we dont care all of thier ideas and we dont respect them at all
of course thier are our parents and we should respect them much but are you agree with me that in some cases and some parents their idea is too much unlogical?
and they dont accept it even with long discussions
ifor example a family who says their dauther dont go out dont put on this dress dont talk with that boy and other things

in this cases dont you think we are forced to fight with them?​


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
dear moongirl.
look! at first the religion! who said that all of people discussing here are moslem?l
second what happen for people who are not religious? for them it's true and for us NOT?l
third can you say me where in Quran it is said that girls should ask for premmission from their dad? do you think it's islam rule or islam-makers' rule?l
another thing is that is it really true? girls are so romantic that they can't think about their own life logically? i myself never just consider my feeling. both of them simultaneously. we are talking about for example a 23 years old girl not 13 years old girl! at these ages the girl is as wisdom as considering many things for not distroying whole of her life.​


مدیر بازنشسته
dear maral
when I said we should respect their idea I mean that we should try to undrestand what they want from us and why? yeah youre right sometimes their ideas are traditional and they dont think as our nation in some subjects they dont have right for example the parents who are taking their children away from internet in 21century which is named the it century. but we should accept that in most of the cases they are right.
I am just like you like other yong people who are arguing with their parents but most of the times I discuss because my own idea not the right one. It is the problem that all of youngs like me have. we think that relationship between boys and girls should be free but we see that the countries which experinced this are now upset and ashamed. we are living in islamic country and in oposite of americans and englands we are mouslem so we should respect to which we say that we belive in

dear moongirl
you said some diffrent subjects that each of them needs to be discused about 20 pages of a topic
firsl of all you said about islam and some other relious things
I think even in our country some people arent moslems or they arent relious people
one of them is me!! I am not relious and i dont think even islam should interfre in my life .
but i siad these subject indiviulay needs a topic to discuse about
and about permission of dad i dont care if it is islam rules or not i dont think its right that girls are romantic if you think like this so girls cant do much of the works and in many things they should ask from thier dad or their brothers but we see that in the forigen countries girls are doing almost every works.
about our topic i think every wise man or wemone that grown up enough and he is not child can distinct right or wrong of his or her life and dont need to take permission from others​


عضو جدید
If you think that talking about the islam and its effect and rules is not related to this topic ok I put it away but I like to speak and discus about this subject in future because I have many things to say
you knoe that the emotions of girls id not related to their work and most of the times they are romantic and emotienal in treating by mans. It is true that in forigen countries the women are do almost every work and also in Iran but you know that being jadge for women are forbidden just because of this feature.
and also I think it is not true to compare our self with the women of englan or Italy because of some reasons the first is our religous It is not important that how much religous you are it is importanat that you accept this religon and in all over the world it is an obligatin to obey your reliden rules. The second one is difrences between our feelness I dont know you as much as I say that how girl are you but really do you watch Tv the forigen films. Pezashke dehkade shows that the doctor is speaking to his pationts without any problem and says to them that they are dying...It doesnot take place in our country because we are more emotienal.
I think every girl and boy that grown up can do what he think is true.and I think they themselves shoul being agree that this relationship most of the times is not true. the 21 or 22 year boy can not think about his girlfriend just as a friend without any touching...kissing and...
It is my idea that it is the most powerfull reason that our parents are dissagree with this realtionships and they saw that with the teory of feroydism what has happened to european.
dear moongirl

you said some diffrent subjects that each of them needs to be discused about 20 pages of a topic
firsl of all you said about islam and some other relious things
I think even in our country some people arent moslems or they arent relious people
one of them is me!! I am not relious and i dont think even islam should interfre in my life .
but i siad these subject indiviulay needs a topic to discuse about
and about permission of dad i dont care if it is islam rules or not i dont think its right that girls are romantic if you think like this so girls cant do much of the works and in many things they should ask from thier dad or their brothers but we see that in the forigen countries girls are doing almost every works.

about our topic i think every wise man or wemone that grown up enough and he is not child can distinct right or wrong of his or her life and dont need to take permission from others​


عضو جدید
If you are not muslem every thing can be different.....
when some one is muslem it doesnot make any diffrent that they are religous or not they have accept this religon and they should obey its rules they are not agree so they can choose a difrent religon which doesny say that wear scarf or...
But do you know that in masihiyat( if ths english be true) is also the relationship between girls and boys is not true? they think as us and they do as us means they are not respecting to their religous like us.
I dont know the exactly is ther any thing in quran or not but the rules are coming from quran or what our prophet said.
yeah the girls are romantic when a boy says to them that "I love you" "how much pretty are you"" you are the only and the most girl that I love" they think that he says every thing true. I had experinced it and maybe you also had. and after sometimes I saw that It is not exactly right and mist of his spokes was just because of starting the realtionship. But we should think about ourself logically not by felling of being proud. I myself belive that I am as emotienal as it effect my decissions. And are you really think you are not?? In cretion of women The most thing that has created is their emotion. I have read that the women how are not emotienal maybe are fighting to themselves.
and it depends on that what you meaning destroying whole life?

dear moongirl.​

look! at first the religion! who said that all of people discussing here are moslem?l
second what happen for people who are not religious? for them it's true and for us NOT?l
third can you say me where in Quran it is said that girls should ask for premmission from their dad? do you think it's islam rule or islam-makers' rule?l
another thing is that is it really true? girls are so romantic that they can't think about their own life logically? i myself never just consider my feeling. both of them simultaneously. we are talking about for example a 23 years old girl not 13 years old girl! at these ages the girl is as wisdom as considering many things for not distroying whole of her life.​


مدیر بازنشسته
If you think that talking about the islam and its effect and rules is not related to this topic ok I put it away but I like to speak and discus about this subject in future because I have many things to say
you knoe that the emotions of girls id not related to their work and most of the times they are romantic and emotienal in treating by mans. It is true that in forigen countries the women are do almost every work and also in Iran but you know that being jadge for women are forbidden just because of this feature.
and also I think it is not true to compare our self with the women of englan or Italy because of some reasons the first is our religous It is not important that how much religous you are it is importanat that you accept this religon and in all over the world it is an obligatin to obey your reliden rules. The second one is difrences between our feelness I dont know you as much as I say that how girl are you but really do you watch Tv the forigen films. Pezashke dehkade shows that the doctor is speaking to his pationts without any problem and says to them that they are dying...It doesnot take place in our country because we are more emotienal.
I think every girl and boy that grown up can do what he think is true.and I think they themselves shoul being agree that this relationship most of the times is not true. the 21 or 22 year boy can not think about his girlfriend just as a friend without any touching...kissing and...
It is my idea that it is the most powerfull reason that our parents are dissagree with this realtionships and they saw that with the teory of feroydism what has happened to european.

Dear moongirl
i m agree with you about this topic and choosing it for the future we can ask f rom sara to announce it for the next topic.
unfortunatly i have not choosen anything in my life
I didnat have the right to choose my country in that i have born and the islam religon
of course nobody have choosen it himself and nobody asks me when they are choosing the islam religion for my country!!
be sure that i havent had any interfrence in any of these things
so i want to say that i am forced to live in this third world country and i am forced to obey this rules if i wear a scarf its becuse i forced not anything else as you know that even other religions are forced to wear scarf in this country becuse its our rules country not only are religon rules .
so breifly you can know me as a person who doesnt have any reliogn till now maybe in the futher.
i have to strudy it and then choose it islam is my parents and my familys religion and becusae of that i am a named moslem not a real.(im sure that they are many people like me in this country and this is not my fault its the wrong tradition that every child that born immeiatdely parents choose their religion for him or her.)
then you talked about theory of freedom in the west counties its your idea that this theory have defeated but i recomend you to notice all of their victories in any branch of secienc and all the things and compare it with our country not only seciens in every things they are more advnaced its becuse of they have seperated releigon from other things the only thing that i can see now is that me and you and iran is arreared and west countries dont have any problem in any thing
and about pezeshke dehkade that you mentioned i have tell you that even in our country nowadys based to the researcehs they have reached to this important thing
if patints know their deases and know the real facts they can handle it better from when they dont know so we are wrong and we have to make ourselevs better it shows that they are right and all of things that they have reached to it shows that they are right not us

about the other thing that you mentiond if a boy and a girl are freinds why they cant thouch and kiss each other ?
dont you think all of these bad things today happens in our country is because of this limits?
even in the past decads before the islamic revelution in our country corruption and sedition was less from now bad girls were only a distinct group and they were very elder from now but now we have them all over the country from the age of 14 or maybe less too 23-24 they are around the streets and the wait that a car pick them up
in the foriegn countries every thing has a distinct place work school university cloob concert but unfortunatly in our country because of this limitations every things are mixed up together
so the reuslt of this limitions is only these things we see everyday


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
If you think that talking about the islam and its effect and rules is not related to this topic ok I put it away but I like to speak and discus about this subject in future because I have many things to say
you knoe that the emotions of girls id not related to their work and most of the times they are romantic and emotienal in treating by mans. It is true that in forigen countries the women are do almost every work and also in Iran but you know that being jadge for women are forbidden just because of this feature.
and also I think it is not true to compare our self with the women of englan or Italy because of some reasons the first is our religous It is not important that how much religous you are it is importanat that you accept this religon and in all over the world it is an obligatin to obey your reliden rules. The second one is difrences between our feelness I dont know you as much as I say that how girl are you but really do you watch Tv the forigen films. Pezashke dehkade shows that the doctor is speaking to his pationts without any problem and says to them that they are dying...It doesnot take place in our country because we are more emotienal.
I think every girl and boy that grown up can do what he think is true.and I think they themselves shoul being agree that this relationship most of the times is not true. the 21 or 22 year boy can not think about his girlfriend just as a friend without any touching...kissing and...
It is my idea that it is the most powerfull reason that our parents are dissagree with this realtionships and they saw that with the teory of feroydism what has happened to european.

Dear moongirl,
Yes we’ll talk about Islam, religious, and things related to that later.
But in your answer, you talked about Pezeshke Dehkade. I should say that we have a lot of these women here in Iran. Maybe you didn’t pay enough attention to recognize them. I don’t want to ignore this fact that girls have high emotions and feelings but beside that I believe that girl have this power to control it whenever needed. And either I believe that some times boys are more emotional than girls especially in love situations. Girls can manage love with logic, thing that most of the time boys can not. But of course all people are not the same. And again you said that it’s our religion and we accept it. I said once that how you know that all of us ACCEPT it. I wanted you to talk in general. What if some people don’t want to accept Islam in Iran.
But about this part of your post: “the 21 or 22 year boy can not think about his girlfriend just as a friend without any touching...kissing and...” I don’t think so actually. Maybe many of boys in these ages can’t have another meaning of friendship beside that but also there are many of them who can understand why they have this relationship with a girl, because they wanted to know each other more for marriage so there is no need for such a things. And here the girls should be as wise as understanding the aim of the boys. And every girl know that when a boy ask her for these things, there is no aim for marriage and even if he wanted that girl for marriage, when she see these requests she can understand that when he can’t control himself for some years so he is not the real man for her whole life. He is a boy not a man actually. Understanding these things is not really difficult for a girl.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
If you are not muslem every thing can be different.....
when some one is muslem it doesnot make any diffrent that they are religous or not they have accept this religon and they should obey its rules they are not agree so they can choose a difrent religon which doesny say that wear scarf or...
But do you know that in masihiyat( if ths english be true) is also the relationship between girls and boys is not true? they think as us and they do as us means they are not respecting to their religous like us.
I dont know the exactly is ther any thing in quran or not but the rules are coming from quran or what our prophet said.
yeah the girls are romantic when a boy says to them that "I love you" "how much pretty are you"" you are the only and the most girl that I love" they think that he says every thing true. I had experinced it and maybe you also had. and after sometimes I saw that It is not exactly right and mist of his spokes was just because of starting the realtionship. But we should think about ourself logically not by felling of being proud. I myself belive that I am as emotienal as it effect my decissions. And are you really think you are not?? In cretion of women The most thing that has created is their emotion. I have read that the women how are not emotienal maybe are fighting to themselves.
and it depends on that what you meaning destroying whole life?

At first we live in iran and we are born Moslem. But does it mean that we are real Moslem are not? So you can say that because I am born Moslem it means I should obey Islam rules because in iran we can not change our religion if you know. We’ll be killed if so. But as I said before we should have a topic for that later.
Masihiat is called Christian religion in English. Of course when we say other religions it doesn’t mean only Christian we have a lot of religions. But in Christian never it’s said that you can not have relationships with the other sex but it makes some limitations for that. It doesn’t accept have sex with everyone but it doesn’t say that don’t have relationships with another sex for marriage. So many of them do as their religion says.
You don’t know that it is mentioned in Quran or not but I know it is not islam rules it is islam makers rules. Try to find it yourself.
About this part of you post: “I myself belive that I am as emotienal as it effect my decisions. And are you really think you are not??” I should say that as I said before I have felling and emotions but beside that I have logic and wisdom too. I always try that my logic go first and then I interfere my felling too. I can say that I am not like you. It dosent effect on my decisions actually. For example I know a boy in my relatives that expres his feeling for more that 3 years, in any kind of that. He did many things to show his love including those sentences that you mentioned. But all of that 3 years I ignored him because I saw we are not make for each other and we have a lot of differences and love is not the only important factor in a life. So you see that I don’t let some sentences or some acts effect on my decisions. But I never fight with that, if I love some one and I see that he is the right choice for me I show my love and accept his love too. It is your ability; your power and your wisdom that let you have the best life.


عضو جدید
Here is "English Talk", not "English articles"!
However when there are some women in a 'tlak room' you can guess what happens! :tooth:


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
it's much better than you, men, who can't talk at all about a topic. you know unfortunately they dont know what's a discussion :biggrin: :biggrin: l
and dont forget that a hot topic most of the times leads to talking more about that.:biggrin: l​


عضو جدید
It is the question that you should ask from yourself are you realy mouslem? Just bezause you born moslem you are not a mouslem if not and if you are not belive in it really you are not force to do things like us...
yeah I really ashamed of making this fully mistake.I said christian because I belive that other religious has changed by human a lot. yeah the limitation of the original christian is like islam...but do you agree with me that christian has been effected by humans too? and why the christians should obey their religous rules but muslems not?
I want to find it that this rule came from where and I will say to you.
I know that we can think and we have wisdom...I am just like you I have ingored some events like this because they were not as me....but realy do you think this sentences are true? and I think you are right I have said it all the time that if I find a good boy for yself I will start the relationship. but it can not be by all the boys and in here our parents can help us and not all of the relation ships and not for a long time abd it is respecting to our families ideas and belifes.
At first we live in iran and we are born Moslem. But does it mean that we are real Moslem are not? So you can say that because I am born Moslem it means I should obey Islam rules because in iran we can not change our religion if you know. We’ll be killed if so. But as I said before we should have a topic for that later.
Masihiat is called Christian religion in English. Of course when we say other religions it doesn’t mean only Christian we have a lot of religions. But in Christian never it’s said that you can not have relationships with the other sex but it makes some limitations for that. It doesn’t accept have sex with everyone but it doesn’t say that don’t have relationships with another sex for marriage. So many of them do as their religion says.
You don’t know that it is mentioned in Quran or not but I know it is not islam rules it is islam makers rules. Try to find it yourself.
About this part of you post: “I myself belive that I am as emotienal as it effect my decisions. And are you really think you are not??” I should say that as I said before I have felling and emotions but beside that I have logic and wisdom too. I always try that my logic go first and then I interfere my felling too. I can say that I am not like you. It dosent effect on my decisions actually. For example I know a boy in my relatives that expres his feeling for more that 3 years, in any kind of that. He did many things to show his love including those sentences that you mentioned. But all of that 3 years I ignored him because I saw we are not make for each other and we have a lot of differences and love is not the only important factor in a life. So you see that I don’t let some sentences or some acts effect on my decisions. But I never fight with that, if I love some one and I see that he is the right choice for me I show my love and accept his love too. It is your ability; your power and your wisdom that let you have the best life.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
It is the question that you should ask from yourself are you realy mouslem? Just bezause you born moslem you are not a mouslem if not and if you are not belive in it really you are not force to do things like us...
yeah I really ashamed of making this fully mistake.I said christian because I belive that other religious has changed by human a lot. yeah the limitation of the original christian is like islam...but do you agree with me that christian has been effected by humans too? and why the christians should obey their religous rules but muslems not?
I want to find it that this rule came from where and I will say to you.
I know that we can think and we have wisdom...I am just like you I have ingored some events like this because they were not as me....but realy do you think this sentences are true? and I think you are right I have said it all the time that if I find a good boy for yself I will start the relationship. but it can not be by all the boys and in here our parents can help us and not all of the relation ships and not for a long time abd it is respecting to our families ideas and belifes.

dear moongirl,
yes it is a question that everyone should ask themselves. i try not to lead this topic to religion(our next topic) but i should say that u say that other religions and even christian is effected by humanbeing. but how can you say that this doesnt happen for islam too???? and about your latest sentences but it can not be by all the boys i'm afraid that i didnt understand what you mean? i think you meant that we as girls cant suggest a friendship to a boy. am i right? answer me that if it is so i will continue that discussion.​


عضو جدید
As I read some of your last discussion, I understand Maral55 have no religion at this time. She forced to be a muslem as her parents were muslems. She FORCED to have scraf and if she was free she don't use it.

OK, so I guess you start your life again, but just let me know: Do you ever realize God? Maybe not. You never realize God. If so I have no idea.
But if you realize him some times, you should search for him, where you can find him? in Jesus? in Jewish religion? in Christianity? in Zoroaster? in Islam? where?
It doesn't matter which way you choose, There are many ways to God!. Just try to find a way to define your life.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
pershia (you dont deserve a DEAR before it :biggrin: )l
you know it is really obvious that you can THINK alot :biggrin: . and i'am sorry that you never can understand the meaning of discussion. you just know the meaning of fighting and thats why whenever someone disagrees with you(as a boy) , you fight with that person not talk or discuss. anyway you can not follow us in anythings not just discussion :biggrin::tooth: l​


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
As I read some of your last discussion, I understand Maral55 have no religion at this time. She forced to be a muslem as her parents were muslems. She FORCED to have scraf and if she was free she don't use it.

OK, so I guess you start your life again, but just let me know: Do you ever realize God? Maybe not. You never realize God. If so I have no idea.
But if you realize him some times, you should search for him, where you can find him? in Jesus? in Jewish religion? in Christianity? in Zoroaster? in Islam? where?
It doesn't matter which way you choose, There are many ways to God!. Just try to find a way to define your life.

i dont think she havn't realized God? but you think that certainly you should have a religion to use it as a way to God? :eek: you can not find God without being moslem or christian or....?


عضو جدید
You should try to find it. How can you find him without any sign from him? by thinking? How?

If you try to find him you'll find out that He sent his messengers to guide people to find him


عضو جدید
pershia (you dont deserve a DEAR before it :biggrin: )l

you know it is really obvious that you can THINK alot :biggrin: . and i'am sorry that you never can understand the meaning of discussion. you just know the meaning of fighting and thats why whenever someone disagrees with you(as a boy) , you fight with that person not talk or discuss. anyway you can not follow us in anythings not just discussion :biggrin::tooth: l​

Yea I can't follow your discussion because I have "work & live"!! :) :tooth:


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
i see that what is your work :biggrin: :biggrin: . you know it is obvious too that you are so busy. and about your post i should say that because our topic is realtionship before marriage till we dont get a conclusion i dont want to change it. after that when we talked about religion we can discuss about that too. because that topic is a hot one by itself.


مدیر بازنشسته
As I read some of your last discussion, I understand Maral55 have no religion at this time. She forced to be a muslem as her parents were muslems. She FORCED to have scraf and if she was free she don't use it.

OK, so I guess you start your life again, but just let me know: Do you ever realize God? Maybe not. You never realize God. If so I have no idea.
But if you realize him some times, you should search for him, where you can find him? in Jesus? in Jewish religion? in Christianity? in Zoroaster? in Islam? where?
It doesn't matter which way you choose, There are many ways to God!. Just try to find a way to define your life.

so happy to have you here persia
what you understood about me was right
but could you please tell me whats the relation between wearing scarf and having religion with realizing the God:surprised: :surprised: :surprised: ??!!!
the only result that i got from your text was that only a religeous mankind like Christians or moslems or other people who have choosed a releiogn have realized God in thier life
so I sould say you that maybe a man with no releiogn have reliazed God better than a very much reliegous one
I think god is in the heart of each people
and about defining my way i should say you now that i talk to you i have a very distinct way for life and its not related to my releiogn in any way
for every field in my life i have a prestudied program that is base to logic and science wisdom and i dont need to wait for a sepical releiogn to program it for me​


مدیر بازنشسته
You should try to find it. How can you find him without any sign from him? by thinking? How?

If you try to find him you'll find out that He sent his messengers to guide people to find him

dear persia
first of all i think contining this topic in this way can misled us from the basic topic
"realtionship before marrige"
i cant inderstand why are we discusing about islam
if we want to discuse the topic with effects of releiongs we have to first say the view of each of the releiogns about this topic and then we discuse about them
the first day that i recommned this topic i didnt meant this things
i meant the social of this topic not releigus
and now we have reached to the god and his messengers
but becuase of you mention it i answer
i have seen his signs but about the messengers i dont think they can be usefull for our now days lifes as you know much of thier guids can not be done these days

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