ساده ترین، کوتاه‌ترین و كاربردی‌ترین جملات انگلیسی


عضو جدید
Reveal the good that people did onto you, and hide the good you did to others

A promise is considered as a debt, the liability to pay it back depends on one s morals
مسئولیت، دین، بدهی

Don t make a promise, unless you can keep it

Sometimes a break-up is more favorable than a join-up

(Hadiths (source :Maxims of Ali (A.S

Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
You and I.......
I went through life, meandering,
Where life's road is taking me.
One day up, the other, down,
Knowing not my destiny.

All these years you were there;
As was I. Firm boundaries in place.
Then one day, these fences fell,
Leaving us both free to choose.

Now we have choices, yes we do -
A freedom until now not known.
No demands, no expectations;
Could we meet our separate needs?

You are most wonderful by far, more
Than anyone I've ever met.
You give, you love, you share -
Could this be it for both of us?

You are kind, loving and warm;
You give so much day by day.
And I receive that warmth from you,
Will you tell me what you really feel?

The days are early - we have time;
About what's important to us both.
If we were meant for one another,
Will all be revealed in time to come?

Regardless of the signs right now,
We will soon know if it's for real.
We both need time to heal and grow;
Before embracing that new tomorrow!

But while we share this journey dear,
Let's enjoy what's ours to share.
Let's be gentle with each other,
And enjoy what fate has sent our way!

I love you angel, that you know;
You are such a perfect mate!
I would take you as my own,
If I knew you felt the same.

Friendship, love, respect and trust,
Solidly in place for both of us.
A foundation under construction;
For you, for me, our little ones.

You and I,
Please Lord!
Just let it be.

Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
I am Thankful...
I can walk.
There are those who have never taken their first step.

I Am Thankful...
I can see the beauty all around me.
There are those whose world is always dark.

I Am Thankful ...
I can hear music playing.
There are those who entire life has been spent in silence.

I Am Thankful...
My heart can be broken.
There are those who are so hardened they cannot be touched.

I Am Thankful...
I can move about freely and express my beliefs.
There are those who live in constant fear.

I Am Thankful...
I have been loved.
There are those for whom no one has ever cared.

I Am Thankful...
I can work.
There are those who have to depend on others for even their most basic needs.

I Am Thankful...
For the opportunity to help others.
There are those who have not been so abundantly blessed as I.

Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
Falling for you

Cresting the skyway brow
Suddenly there stands a crowd
A host of gleaming towers
Black at the roots
Shriveled in their shadows, walking

Wild Einstein clouds
Expound from shocking top corners
Falling, falling relatively through blue

As I did for you

Time expands, reeling
Space folds down, diminished
To strings and wormholes
Without your warm, certain presence
In three, wholesome dimensions

I am all at sea with these buildings
Unless you anchor me
You, my gravitational constant
Telling me up from down
So I may walk through the valleys
Of my home planet
Keeping balance
Between rooted earth, adventuring sky.


Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
"I Wish You Joy That Comes To Stay, & An Angel Beside You Every Day"

Wishing you...joy and care and kindness. The gentle feelings that are shared. A hope that your beautiful smile always will be there. Happiness, Health, and Well-being. And feelings so capable and strong ~ knowing that you'll see your way through whatever comes along.

Sometimes, when wisdom is walking beside you, angels are whispering in your ear ~ Encouraging understanding of the blessings that are so near ~ When we take the time to see the light in the eyes of one another ~ We remember that both our laughter and tears endear us to each other.

Holding on, holding out...a hand, a hope, a wish. Wondering how we'll ever repay the promise of all this ~ There's such a heartfelt gratitude for each day on this earth, made sweeter by the presence of gentle souls reflecting heaven's worth.

There is so much to be Thankful for over the course of time ~ Like living life with an outlook that makes your whole world shine. Within, we can envision the horizons we hope to see, We can discover the sweetness of this moment and all that's lovingly mean to be. Each day holds a gift we live with: The ability to rise above.

I wish you joy that comes to stay, and an angel beside you every day.

"A Little Angel Wisdom"

To Carry With You Through The Day

Each day brings with it the miracle of a new beginning. Many of the moments ahead will be marvelously disguised as ordinary days, but each one of us has the chance to make something extraordinary out of them.

Remember that there is an enduring worth to every positive step you take, that the good decisions you make will come back to bless you, and that your angels will make sure that any clouds really do have a silver lining.

Have an absolutely wonderful day today! Rise and shine...And keep on rising. And keep on shining.

"Angel Blessings"

Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way.

Somewhere there's an angel....just waiting in the wings for you. Let your heart listen to the comfort, the wisdom, and the wondrous things your angel is hoping to bring you. Believe, and receive this blessing.... and know that if you do, there will be times in your life when your serenity is sweeter, your understanding is greater, and your joys are simply out of this world.

"The delight of the wisdom of the angels is to communicate to others what they know.."

"Angels like parables and fine poetry, speak in many layers of meaning and mystery, trying to express the inexpressible. If we ignore them, our lives are the poorer."

"Learn all you can about angels. It's a form of higher education. And may your days all be blessed with the presence of an angel watching over you.."

"Today I stumbled and once again Was lifted up by an unseen hand. What comfort and joy that knowledge brings, for I hear the whisper of angel wings. The Guardian angels God sends to all to bear us up when we stumble and fall. Trust Him, my friend, and often you'll hear the whisper of angel wings hovering near."

Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
Nothing seems to be easier.
Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.God will appreciate it.

Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
What has been, has been; yesterday is dead
And by it you are neither blessed nor banned,
Take courage, man, be brave and drive ahead,
.Start where you stand​

Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
achievement to make 1000’s friends in a year, but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000’s years.

موفقیت این نیست که هزار دوست در یکسال داشته باشی،ا موفقیت وقتی است که دوستی را برای هزار سال داشته باشی

Mehr noosh

عضو جدید
Six rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND
شش قانون برای شادبودن: قلبت را از کینه پاک کن،ذهنت را از نگرانی ها رها کن،ساده زندگی کن،کم توقع باش،زیاد ببخش و همیشه مرا به عنوان دوست
