درخواست های مرتبط با | مقاله و مطالب آموزشی


عضو جدید


لطفا مفالات زیر را برام قرار دهید

Numerical models of in-service welding of gas pipelines
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 118, Issues 1-3, 3 December 2001, Pages 14-21
P. N. Sabapathy, M. A. Wahab, M. J. Painter

Numerical modelling of welding
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 195, Issues 48-49, 1 October 2006, Pages 6710-6736
L.-E. Lindgren

CFD analysis of gas explosions vented through relief pipes
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 137, Issue 2, 21 September 2006, Pages 654-665
G. Ferrara, A. Di Benedetto, E. Salzano, G. Russo

Numerical study of the effect of water addition on gas explosion
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 174, Issues 1-3, 15 February 2010, Pages 386-392
Yuntao Liang, Wen Zeng



عضو جدید
لطفا مفالات زیر را برام قرار دهید

Numerical models of in-service welding of gas pipelines
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 118, Issues 1-3, 3 December 2001, Pages 14-21
P. N. Sabapathy, M. A. Wahab, M. J. Painter

Numerical modelling of welding
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 195, Issues 48-49, 1 October 2006, Pages 6710-6736
L.-E. Lindgren

CFD analysis of gas explosions vented through relief pipes
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 137, Issue 2, 21 September 2006, Pages 654-665
G. Ferrara, A. Di Benedetto, E. Salzano, G. Russo

Numerical study of the effect of water addition on gas explosion
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 174, Issues 1-3, 15 February 2010, Pages 386-392
Yuntao Liang, Wen Zeng

To you:gol:

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عضو جدید
وقت بخیر
این مقاله رو لطفاً برام پیدا می کنید -ACS
Evaluation of Activity Coefficients from Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibria

David S. Joy, B. G. Kyle
Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 1970, 9 (2), pp 244–247
Publication Date: April 1970
با سپاس


عضو جدید
اینم درخواست من هست اگه لطف کنید ممنون میشم :

Use of SURFACE CHEMKIN to model multiphase atmospheric chemistry: Application to nitrogen tetroxide spills
Atmospheric Environment, Volume 29, Issue 6, 1995, Pages 715-726
Brian B. Brady, L. Robbin Martin

2 The numerical solution of some kinetics models with VODE and CHEMKIN II
Computers & Chemistry, Volume 17, Issue 3, September 1993, Pages 297-302
George D. Byrne, Anthony M. Dean

3. Chemical kinetic modeling of n-hexane pyrolysis of ACUCHEM, CHEMKIN and MORSE software packages
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 46, Issue 11, 1991, Pages 2941-2946
F. Billaud, K. Elyahyaoui, F. Baronnet, S. Kressmann


عضو جدید
Design of a complete ethyl acetate reactive distillation column system
Catalyst Deactivation in Reactive Distillation
Biodiesel production by heat-integrated reactive distillation
Reactive distillation of glycerol in the presence of different porous type catalysts
Design and control of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactive distillation for ethyl acetate process


کاربر حرفه ای
کاربر ممتاز
اینم درخواست من هست اگه لطف کنید ممنون میشم :

Use of SURFACE CHEMKIN to model multiphase atmospheric chemistry: Application to nitrogen tetroxide spills
Atmospheric Environment, Volume 29, Issue 6, 1995, Pages 715-726
Brian B. Brady, L. Robbin Martin

2 The numerical solution of some kinetics models with VODE and CHEMKIN II
Computers & Chemistry, Volume 17, Issue 3, September 1993, Pages 297-302
George D. Byrne, Anthony M. Dean

3. Chemical kinetic modeling of n-hexane pyrolysis of ACUCHEM, CHEMKIN and MORSE software packages
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 46, Issue 11, 1991, Pages 2941-2946
F. Billaud, K. Elyahyaoui, F. Baronnet, S. Kressmann

snow berry

مدیر بازنشسته
وقت بخیر
این مقاله رو لطفاً برام پیدا می کنید -ACS
Evaluation of Activity Coefficients from Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibria

David S. Joy, B. G. Kyle
Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 1970, 9 (2), pp 244–247
Publication Date: April 1970
با سپاس

لطفا لینک مقاله مورد نظرتان را بیان فرمایید تا تقدیمتان شود.


عضو جدید
Design of a complete ethyl acetate reactive distillation column system
Catalyst Deactivation in Reactive Distillation
Biodiesel production by heat-integrated reactive distillation
Reactive distillation of glycerol in the presence of different porous type catalysts
Design and control of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactive distillation for ethyl acetate process

ممنون میشم اگه اینا رو هم لطف کنید . :)


عضو جدید


عضو جدید

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عضو جدید


لطفا موارد زیر را برام بگذارید . ممنون

Airbag for the closing of pipelines on explosions and leakages
Failure analysis of natural gas pipes


عضو جدید

snow berry

مدیر بازنشسته
لطفا لینک مقاله ی زیر را برای من بگذارید . ممنونم
The initial mechanism of vinyl acetate synthesis from acetic acid and acetylene catalyzed by active carbon-zinc acetate
B. A. Morrow
Journal of Catalysis
Volume 86, Issue 2, April 1984, Pages 328-332

بزرگترين درس زندگی اين است‌که گاهی احمق‌ها هم درست می‌گويند.

خدمت شما:

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عضو جدید
با سلام لطفا این 2 مقاله رو دانلود کنید با تشکر
Mass transfer of water and volatile fatty acids in cocoa beans during drying
Modelling local heat and mass transfer in food slabs due to air jet impingement


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کاربر ممتاز


عضو جدید
لطفاً لینک دانلود مقالات زیر را واسه من بذارید
1. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer model for spray tower design: Application on VOCs removal (M. Meyer, M. Hendou and M. Prevost)
2. Mass transfer modeling)Vassilis Gekas(


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کاربر ممتاز