دانلود کتاب مقدمه‌ای بر ترمودینامیک مواد تالیف گسکل

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عضو جدید
David Gaskell, "Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, 4th Edition"

David Gaskell, "Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, 4th Edition"
Taylor & Francis | 2003-02-07 | ISBN: 1560329920 | 640 pages | PDF | 25.8 MB

The Fourth Edition of this classic textbook is a complete and authoritative introductory text on the thermodynamics of materials. With a new chapter (Chapter 14) and two new appendices providing thermodynamic and thermochemical data, the Fourth Edition includes extensive references to scientific reviews and original articles.

Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials is used universally as an introduction to the application of the thermodynamic method to understanding the behavior of materials systems.

Aimed primarily at third-year undergraduate students of metallurgy, metallurgical engineering, ceramics, or materials science, this book will also be useful to graduate students and working professionals in need of a reference or a refresher course. A solutions manual is available to qualified instructors.

- A new chapter covering Phase Diagrams for Binary Systems in Pressure-Temperature-Composition Space

-Two new appendices: Exact Differential Equations and Generation of Auxiliary Functions as Legendre Transformations

- A CD containing thermodynamic properties of 50 commonly used compounds. The data and descriptive material on the CD enables students to make detailed thermodynamic calculations involving materials processing.

Download: 25.8 MB, rar'd PDF
لینک های دانلود بر روی سرورهای مختلف

لینک اول : http://rapidshare.com/files/178140898/gaskell_4taed.rar
لینک دوم : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ILW6BPU9
لینک سوم : http://w19.easy-share.com/1903051712.html
لینک چهارم : http://uploaded.to/?id=i1pq30


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salam lotfan age mishe up konid ta hame betonan estefade konan

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