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The Functions of the Left Brain
The left side of the brain can be thought of as the “logical” side. The functions of this side of the brain include:
* uses logic
* detail oriented
* facts rule
* words and language
* present and past
* math and science
* can comprehend
* knowing
* acknowledges
* order/pattern
* perception
* knows object name
* reality based
* forms strategies
* practical
* safe
The left brain is the logical, sequential, and rational side of the brain. It is analytical, objective, and looks at the parts of a thing first, before assembling it into a whole.
The Functions of the Right Brain
The right side of the brain can be thought of as the “creative” side. The functions of this side of the brain include:
* uses feeling
* “big picture” oriented
* imagination rules
* symbols and images
* present and future
* philosophy and religion
* can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
* believes
* appreciates
* spatial perception
* knows object function
* fantasy based
* presents possibilities
* impetuous
* risk taking
The right brain is thought of primarily as being the random, intuitive side of the brain that tends to look at the whole first. It is holistic, subjective, and synthesising.