
ارسال های پروفایل آخرین فعالیت ارسال ها درباره

  • اون از اولش هم چاخان بود میخواست ادای من رو دربیاره!!!
    مادر نزاییده کسی که بتونه از دست من در بره آقا کامران خان جان!
    کافیه آرام دستش رو دراز کنه تا یه کامران بگیره!!نگران اون نباش!!
    دارم فکر میکنم چه جوری بکشمت که دردناکتر باشه برات!!
    This isn't mine
    Won't need to change the names
    Everyone around you has murdered someone,
    Something sacred
    And isn't one nail without dirt under it
    Isn't any white cotton panties
    That aren't soaked and stained red
    and feels we are already flying
    but the air is too thin and we are dying
    the clouds all around take us higher
    the world far below is on fire
    In this wasted miracle, the outcome so terminal
    Why do we waste time on hope?
    In perfect execution, liquid and lucid
    Born in the astromaut's eyes
    Of hate, loathing, wonder, and fear
    Breathe as you suffer in denial
    I will never bother you
    I will never promise to
    I will never follow you
    I will never bother you

    Never speak a word again
    I will crawl away for good
    The rain whips the lonely and crushed soul
    The dark clouds are closing fast, the wind is blowing the colours of life away
    The growing shadow will darken my dreams, and with the fire inside me it feeds
    I'll be screaming in the stars when it's over
    Storms are raging on the path to home, once so silent and calm
    The desperate glare of the dark light is cast on the fallen one
    And when the illusions sigh no more, the journey to new dream will carry on
    'cause life is just a beautiful death
    My eyes feel so heavy when the stars are calling me
    - Join with us eternally -
    I'm falling in deep trance and my powers are weakening
    I'm falling in a world between dreams and reality

    I am now alone in the silent light
    And there's nothing but darkness around me
    Deeper into unknown the strange light is guiding me
    Wake me until it's too late

    Suddenly I feel a warmth go through my body
    But I feel that a part of me has died, I sense the change in me
    I must have been away so long
    So please stay with me for a while
    A snowstorm blew inside a wolf's eyes
    And the frozen tears covered all the mountainsides
    But then the time got by and the wolf died
    And someday that wolf would be I
    نه عزيزم نتونستم ادامه بدم...فعلا سي دي گرفتم تو خونه تمرين ميكنم.
    سلام عزيزم
    آره مادر شرمنده دير پاسخت رو دادم
    ديشب همون موقع رضا اومد من ديگه رفتم..اما همشون رو گوش كردم...
    كامران خيلي خوشحالم واقعا پيشرفتت عالي بوده..اصلا خيلي خيلي با كارهاي قبليت متفاوت و سنگين بود
    محشر بود عزيزمادر...عالي بود...بهت افتخار ميكنم گل پسرم.
    ايشالا يه روزي كنسرتت دعوتم ميكني.
    Shine on forever
    Shine on benevolent sun
    Shine down upon the severed
    Shine until the two become one
    Divided, I'll wither away
    Now I'm watching my life flowing in the dark
    Like streams of fear running through my heart
    And it's wearing me down until I'm gone
    Soon I'll join the endless whirls of stars
    And I fall (something is dying, yet something is born)
    deeper into the unknown voids
    And I fall (when will I find my silent dawn)
    into infinity like a burning star
    I fall like a burning star!
    سلام اقای حلال زاده

    زود باش با سهیل دوس شو تا نفرستادمت زیر دست سهیل تا به زمره کسایی که وقتشون رسیده بپیوندی:d
    کلاس میرم...ولی هنوز داریم ABC اینا میخونیم...
    بالاخره یه روزی میشه که همه این شعراتو میفهمم..اون روز دور نیست
    باز از این شعر خارجکی ها گذاشتی؟؟؟...صد دفه گفتم ترجمشم بذار یه بی سواد مث من میاد بفهمه منظورت چی بوده:w05:

    تو دچار تهاجم فرهنگی شدی کامران:w04:

    اول تو خجالت بکش بعدش من از تو یاد میگیرم خجالت میکشم:D
    Sad night, the weeper of starwind sky
    Take me where the shimmering lights are fading out
    Through the shadows of hate and through the fires of grace
    I followed the voice in the night, beautiful as black sky,
    But nothing I found
    شاکی هم هستی و کوفت!:razz:
    خجالت نمیکشی هی منو حذف میکنی:cry:

    جات خالی تازه پشت سرت کلی با سهیل حرف زدیم...خیلی هم چسبید:D
    Have we arrived from our journey, I must ask you now
    At last I can cry, 'cause these sad words are calling me tonight
    My eyes bleed for you my star, my pride and the love of my heart
    But why did you had to fly so far, I raged and it tore me apart
    I promise to you with sadness and hate
    Wherever I might go, you will know...
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