زبان انگليسی و مكالمه را با شنیدن یاد بگیريد


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس پنجاه و چهار - رستوران

درس پنجاه و چهار - رستوران

The Restaurant

When you go to a restaurant you might see a sign that says, "Please wait to be seated."
A host or hostess will ask you how many people are in your party.
Then they will want to know if you want to sit in the smoking or non-smoking section.
The host or hostess will take you to your seat.
You might sit at a table or at a booth.
The host or hostess will give you a menu to look at.
Sometimes, there are different menus for different meals.
There can be a breakfast menu, a lunch menu and a dinner menu.
Sometimes, there is also a wine list and a dessert menu.
The food and the prices of the food are listed on the menu.
On your table, there will be cutlery.
Cutlery is the knives, forks and spoons.
There will also be a napkin.
You are supposed to put your napkin on your lap when you eat.
Your waiter or waitress will take your order.
You might want an appetizer before your meal.
Some people want a salad or soup before their meal.
After your meal, you might have a dessert, or tea, or coffee.
When it is time to go, you will pay your bill and leave a tip for the waiter or waitress

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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس پنجاه و پنج - ترافیک

درس پنجاه و پنج - ترافیک


Traffic moves along on the streets and highways.
There are rules that drivers must follow to make the traffic flow smoothly.
You must wear a seatbelt.
The seatbelt helps to keep you safe.
You must stop at all stop signs.
You must also stop at a red light.
A green light means go, and a yellow light means to be careful.
If you see a sign that says school crossing, you have to be careful because you are near
a school, and children might be crossing the street.
Some places are crosswalks.
Those are places where people cross the street.
People who are walking have the right of way.
If you hear a siren behind you, you must pull over.
An emergency vehicle like a police car or an ambulance might need to get somewhere
When a school bus puts on its flashing signals, you have to stop.
You can't go past the school bus because children may be crossing the street from the
You should always obey the speed limit.
It is not good to drive too fast.
People should never drink and drive.
Driving is a serious business.
You have to obey all the rules to be a good driver.

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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس پنجاه و شش - موسیقی (۱)

درس پنجاه و شش - موسیقی (۱)

If you were in an orchestra, what would you play?
Would you play a tuba, a trumpet or a saxophone?
Perhaps you would prefer a stringed instrument like a violin or a cello.
Maybe you would enjoy percussion more.
You could play the kettle drum.
There are instruments that have keyboards.
A piano and an organ have keyboards.
There are instruments that have strings on them.
A guitar, banjo and mandolin have strings on them.
There are instruments that you blow into.
A flute, a French horn and a harmonica are all instruments that you blow into.
There are instruments that you hit with a stick.
A drum and a cymbal are two things that you would hit with a stick.
If you are in an orchestra, you have to watch the conductor.
He will lead you through the piece of music.
You might just want to be in a band for fun.
You could join a rock band or a dance band.
Some people learn to read music.
Music notes are written on a staff.
Each note represents a sound.
There are whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and eighth notes.
Each one of these is held for a different number of beats.
It is good to learn about music.
You have to learn your scales, and learn about sharps and flats.
If you want to learn how to play an instrument, it is best to take music lessons



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس پنجاه و هفت -سوالاتی که با دبلیو ایچ شروع می شوند

درس پنجاه و هفت -سوالاتی که با دبلیو ایچ شروع می شوند

Who, What, Where and Why?

These are important words.
They are all words that begin questions.
"Who" is about a person.
Who is the girl with the blue dress on?
Who stole my watch?
Who will come with me to the game?
Who is driving us to the party?
"What" is about a thing.
What is that big thing on the sidewalk?
What should I do when I get to your house?
What kind of clothes should I wear to the party?
What shall I buy you for your birthday?
"Where" is about a place.
Where are you going for your vacation?
Where did I leave my glasses?
Where did my brother go?
Where on earth is Timmins?
"Why" is the word that asks for an explanation.
Why did you take the last piece of pie?
Why is the world round?
Why should I give you any money?
Why did the chicken cross the street?
They say that you should answer all of these questions if you are writing a story.
You have to give the who, what, where and why to write a good story.



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس پنجاه و هشت - کدام جهت

درس پنجاه و هشت - کدام جهت

Which Direction?

Which direction should I go in?
Should I go up?
If I go up, I will head toward the sky.
I can go up the stairs.
Should I go down?
I can go down the stairs to the basement.
I can climb down into a hole.
Should I go left or right?
I am right-handed, so I know which way right is.
Should I go backwards?
I would be going away from the things that I am facing now if I went backwards.
If I went backwards from the thing that I am facing, I would go away from it.
If I went backwards from the thing that I am facing, I would go away from it.
Should I go forward?
I will just go straight ahead if I go forward.
If I am facing something and I go forward, then I will go toward the thing that I am facing.
Maybe I should go sideways, but which side, left or right?
It sounds very complicated, but it is not.
Directions are very easy to follow if you just stop and think about them



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس پنجاه و نه - دفتر کار

درس پنجاه و نه - دفتر کار

The Office
Some people work in an office.
There are special tools that people in an office need to do their work.
There is a computer in the office.
There is a telephone.
Most of the time, the secretary answers the telephone.
The secretary sits at a desk.
The secretary has pens and pencils on the desk.
The secretary writes on a note pad.
Some other things that you would find in an office would include the following: a stapler
to staple pages together, a photocopier to copy pages, a pencil sharpener to sharpen
pencils, a water cooler where the employees could get a drink of water, a hole punch to
make holes in sheets of paper, and liquid paper which is used to blank out errors on a
Some offices have many employees in them.
All of the employees have their own desks.
Other offices just have one person at a desk.
In some offices, there is a secretary or a receptionist, and then there is the boss in
another room.
There are often many important papers in an office.
Important papers can be called documents.
You might have to sign a document or fill out a form in an office.
Some offices have bookshelves filled with books.
The books are filled with information that the people in the office need.
You will have to visit an office sometime.
Maybe it will be a doctor's office or a lawyer's office.
There are many different types of offices.



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت - پول

درس شصت - پول


I keep my money in the bank.
I have saved up my money.
I saved all my pennies in a jar.
A penny is only worth one cent.
I have nickels.
A nickel is worth five cents.
A dime is worth ten cents.
A quarter is worth twenty-five cents.
A quarter is a quarter of a dollar.
Four quarters make up a dollar.
A dollar is worth one hundred cents.
I saved up all of my dollars.
Our dollars used to be paper, but now they are coins.
We call our dollars loonies.
It is a funny name.
We also have two dollar coins.
We call those toonies.
We have five dollar bills and ten dollar bills.
If you are lucky you will have twenty dollar bills, fifty dollar bills and even hundred dollar
Our bills in Canada are different colours. That makes them easy to recognize if you go
somewhere to spend them.
It is wise to save your money.
If you save enough, you could have hundreds or thousands of dollars.



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و یک - رفتار ها

درس شصت و یک - رفتار ها


It is good to be polite.
People like you more when you are polite.
Always say please and thank you.
If you ask for some milk, you should say, "Please, may I have a glass of milk?"
When someone gives you the milk, you should respond with "Thank you."
It is not difficult to be polite.
You should not push or shove people.
You should cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
You should address people properly.
If you are trying to get someone's attention, you would say, "excuse me."
You wouldn't say, "hey you."
There are table manners.
That is where you eat properly and politely at the dinner table.
You don't shove food into your mouth.
You don't reach over other people's plates.
You don't talk with your mouth full.
All of these things are common sense.
Being polite is mostly thinking about how you would like to be treated.
You wouldn't want people to be impolite to you.
It is not polite to point at people.
It is not polite to burp out loud.
It is not polite to use someone else's things without asking first.
Being polite just comes naturally if you have been brought up in a home where everyone
was polite.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و سه - من

درس شصت و سه - من


I am special.
Nobody in the world is exactly like I am.
They might have the same colour hair and eyes that I do, but they are not exactly like me.
I am the only person in the world who thinks my thoughts.
No two people in the world are exactly alike.
It is good to be your own person.
It is good to be creative and be natural.
People have to follow the laws and the rules.
People should always be kind to others.
I try to follow all the rules.
I am kind to others.
I am a lot like many other people, yet I am different.
I am like my friend Jane, but she has red hair and I have dark hair.
She has a loud voice, and I have a soft voice.
She likes to eat vegetables, and I do not.
Jane and I are the same height.
We both like movies, and we are both afraid of spiders.
We wear the same size shoes, and we both have the same favorite colour.
We are best friends, but sometimes we disagree about things.
We are alike in many ways, and different in many ways.
If we were all exactly the same, the world would be a very boring place.
I am myself, and I am glad that I am special.
You are special too.
Use your own special talents, and take the time to meet other people.
The world is made up of a lot of different people; that's what makes life exciting.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و چهار - گربه من

درس شصت و چهار - گربه من

My Cat

I got my cat when she was just a tiny kitten.
I named her Puff because her fur is soft and fluffy.
She has white fur, but her tail, paws and ears are black.
She has a little pink nose and yellow eyes.
She says "meow" whenever she wants a bowl of milk.
I feed her cat food and treats.
She washes her face with her paw when she is finished eating.
My whole family loves her, and we can tell that she loves us.
She loves to curl up in our laps.
She purrs whenever we pet her.
She is very playful.
We sometimes roll up a piece of paper and throw it to her.
She loves to chase the paper and hit it with her paws.
She also chases bugs.
Last night she chased a spider, but she was afraid to touch it.
At night she curls up in my bed with me.
She likes to be warm.
I have given her a blanket of her own, but when I put her on it her tail twitches.
Her tail twitches whenever she is upset or angry.
I know that she doesn't want to be on her blanket.
She wants to be in my bed.
I let her into my bed, and she falls asleep purring loudly.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و پنج - موسیقی (۲)

درس شصت و پنج - موسیقی (۲)

Music (2)

My family is very musical.
My father plays the guitar.
He plays in a band.
The band plays country music.
My mother is a singer in the band.
She also plays the piano.
I took the flute in music class at school.
I play the flute in the school band.
I also sing in the school choir.
I have a low voice.
My sister has a high voice.
She is a soprano.
At home I like to practice the drums, but my mother says that it is too loud.
Sometimes I play so loudly that I break a drumstick.
I practice whenever she goes out.
I would like to be in a rock band.
Some of my friends and I are thinking of starting our own rock band.
My sister is a very good piano player.
She has won many awards at music festivals.
She likes to play classical music, but sometimes I get her to play rock music with me.
She is also a very good singer.
I like to sing with her.
We sing in harmony.
I listen to music all the time on the radio.
I know a lot of songs.
I can sing along with most of the songs that come on the radio.
I memorize the lyrics of the songs.
My sister and I sometimes get together and sing our favorite songs.
Maybe someday we will start our own rock band, and I will be the drummer.



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و شش - بهار

درس شصت و شش - بهار


It rains a lot in the spring.
The trees are full of buds, and the flowers are starting to bloom.
My favorite spring flowers are tulips and daffodils.
The birds come back from the south.
I can always tell that spring is here when I see my first robin of the season.
The robins pull worms from the wet ground.
When it isn't raining, my friends and I go outside and toss a ball around.
We look forward to the summer, but we are glad to get outside after the long winter.
The air smells so fresh in the spring.
My mother always tells me not to track mud into the house.
It's very muddy in our yard in the springtime.
I wipe my muddy feet before I go into the house.
There are a lot of puddles in my yard.
I sometimes splash in the puddles, and I get wet and cold, so I have to go into the house.
I like it when the snow has melted, the rain has stopped, and the sun comes out.
On sunny days I always get together with my friends.
On those days we either ride our bikes or play ball.
My parents like to go for walks on spring evenings.
They also like to clean up the yard in the spring.
Everyone seems to be outside.
The springtime brings people out of their houses.



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و هفت - مهمانی تولد

درس شصت و هفت - مهمانی تولد

The Birthday Party

Yesterday I went to a birthday party.
My friend Jane had her tenth birthday.
Her house was decorated with balloons and streamers.
Her mother had baked a big birthday cake.
The cake had "Happy tenth birthday Jane" written on it.
There were ten candles on the cake.
Jane blew out the candles and made a wish.
I wonder what she wished for.
Your wish won't come true if you tell anyone what it was.
We sang "Happy birthday to you."
At the party we played some games.
I won one of games so I got a prize.
We also swam in Jane's swimming pool.
Jane opened her gifts.
Her gifts were wrapped in bright paper and bows.
She got lots of nice gifts.
She got some compact discs, some clothes and some computer games.
Jane thanked everyone.
We ate a lot of food at Jane's party.
We had hot dogs I put mustard and ketchup on my hot dog.
Then we ate cake and ice cream.
We had pop to drink.
I think I had too much cake and ice cream.
I was very full by the time the party was over.
We thanked Jane and her mother before we all went home.
It was a very good party.
Everyone had a good time.
I hope Jane had a happy tenth birthday



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و هشت - کلاس من

درس شصت و هشت - کلاس من

My Classroom

My classroom is a large room.
It is full of brightly coloured pictures.
My teacher hangs pictures up all over the walls.
There are blackboards at the front of the room.
My teacher always has writing all over the blackboards.
Sometimes the chalk squeaks when she writes on the blackboard.
We cover our ears when that happens.
Our classroom is full of desks.
There are a lot of students in our class.
Our desks are full of books, notebooks and pens.
I try to keep my desk neat, but I have a lot of things in there.
My ruler and pencils are always falling out of my desk.
At the back of the room is a bookcase full of books.
We can sign those books out and take them home to read.
I have read a lot of the books.
I like mysteries and biographies, so I have taken many of those home.
There are also tables at the back of the room.
That is where we do our artwork.
We spread out big sheets of paper, and we use paints or crayons to make pictures.
Sometimes we cut things out of magazines with scissors and we glue pictures to the
I like art class.
After school, my friends and I often erase the blackboards for the teacher.
Then we take the erasers outside and clap them together to get the chalk dust out of
My friends and I walk home together and talk about what we did in school and what we're
going to do after supper.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس شصت و نه - تعطیلات

درس شصت و نه - تعطیلات


My family and I went on vacation to Lake Huron.
The water is beautiful and blue there, and the sand is nice and white.
The week that we were there was very hot.
The sun was hot, but the water was still very cold.
I went swimming and tried to catch little fish in my hands.
I was careful not to get sunburned.
We stayed at a hotel that had a pool and a game room.
I played pinball and video games sometimes.
I liked to swim in the hotel pool, but I liked the beach better.
I would lie on a big beach towel and get warm; then I would jump in the water and cool
Sometimes I would just lie on the sand and watch the waves roll up on the shore.
I found some seashells, and I saw a crab walking on the sand.
At first I was a bit lonely because I didn't know anyone there.
It wasn't long before I met some other kids my age.
We built sandcastles together and swam in the lake.
The other kids were from different towns, so we told each other stories about our
schools and friends.
We found that we had a lot in common even though we were from different places.
Our families got together and went to restaurants together.
We played volleyball on the beach, and we sat around a campfire at night and sang
At the campfire we would roast marshmallows on a stick.
I always burn my marshmallows.
That is okay.
I like them that way.
Mostly we just swam in the lake until we were very tired.
I was sorry when our vacation was over.
I had a good time at Lake Huron.
I met some very good friends there.
We still write to each other.
Maybe we'll see each other next summer.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد - خانه من

درس هفتاد - خانه من

My House (1)

I live in a two-story house.
The bottom of the house is painted white.
The upper part of the house is made of red brick.
The chimney is also made of red brick.
If you go through the front door and turn right you'll see the living room.
The living room is very large and comfortable.
There are easy chairs, a coffee table and a sofa in there.
I like to sit in there and relax.
Next to the living room is the dining room.
There are a dining table and chairs in there.
We use this room whenever we have visitors over for dinner.
Beside the dining room is the kitchen.
The kitchen has a stove and a refrigerator in it
There is also a kitchen table with some benches at it.
Most of the time we eat in the kitchen.
Upstairs there are three bedrooms.
My parents' bedroom is very big.
They have a large queen sized bed in there, and there are two closets for their clothes.
My room is smaller.
My room is painted pink, and I have ruffled curtains on the windows.
From my bedroom window you can see the front yard.
There is a pine tree in the front yard.
My brother's bedroom is painted blue.
He has blinds on the windows.
He has a bunk bed in his room.
If he has a friend stay over, one of them can sleep on the top bunk, and the other one can
sleep on the bottom bunk.
He can see the back yard from his bedroom window.
There are rose bushes and a picnic table in the back yard.
There is also a white fence that has gate in it.
In the basement there is a recreation room.
This is where we watch television and have friends over to visit.
The laundry room is also in the basement.
There are a washing machine and a dryer in there.
Beside our house is a garage.
We keep the car in the garage whenever the weather is bad.
Our house is just the right size for our family.
Friends are always welcome at our house.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و یک - خانواده من

درس هفتاد و یک - خانواده من

My Family

My grandparents are coming to visit us from Calgary, Alberta.
My father is very happy because they are his parents, and he is glad that he will see them.
We don't see them very often because Calgary is a long way from Toronto.
My grandparents have two sons: my father and my Uncle Bill.
Uncle Bill is married to my Aunt Susan.
They have a daughter who is my cousin.
My cousin is a lot older than I, so we do not have a lot in common.
They also have a son who is the same age as me.
He is my favorite cousin because we both like the same television shows and the same
I have two brothers and one sister.
My brothers are both younger than I.
They are twins, so they have the same birthday.
My sister is one year older than I.
People say that my sister and I look alike.
We both have blonde hair and blue eyes.
My mother's parents live near us.
They are the grandmother and grandfather who visit us often.
My mother does not have any brothers or sisters.
She is an only child.
I like it when all my family is together.
I don't have a lot of cousins like some people do, but I have fun with my relatives.
My uncle will often take my cousin and me to the movies.
I like to take my grandparents for walks so that they can see my school, and they can
meet my friends.
My parents talk to my brothers, my sister and I a lot.
We are a very close-knit family.
People who have close families are very lucky.



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و دو - زمستان

درس هفتاد و دو - زمستان


Once the fall is over and the snowflakes start to fall I get very excited.
I can hardly wait for the ground to be covered with a blanket of white snow.
I put on my mittens, my scarf, my hat, coat and winter boots, and I run out into the fluffy
I have to be careful not to slip on the ice.
It can get very icy and cold in the winter.
The first thing that I do is to build a snowman.
I sometimes build a snow fort too.
My friends and I like to have a good snowball fight.
We laugh a lot, and our cheeks and noses get very red.
When we get too cold, we go into the house and have a cup of hot chocolate.
My father fills the backyard with water that freezes and turns into an ice rink.
When the ice is hard enough, my friends and I get our skates and we go out on the ice to
play hockey.
All of my friends own hockey sticks.
I am usually the goalie, and I have to keep the puck from going into the net.
My sister and her friends don't really like to play hockey.
They would rather just skate around on the ice.
I took skating lessons, so I don't usually fall down.
My little brother is just learning to skate, so he falls down a lot.
My father has to shovel the snow off the paths and the driveway in the winter.
I help him.
Shovelling snow is hard work.
When my Dad and I finish shovelling the driveway, we go into the house and warm our
hands and feet in front of the fireplace.
There is probably nothing more beautiful than fresh fallen snow on the trees.
In the morning, when the sun shines on the snow, it glistens.
I like to leave my footprints in the snow.
Winter can be very beautiful and exciting.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و سه - پاییز

درس هفتاد و سه - پاییز


Some people call autumn the "fall."
You can call it either one.
Autumn is the time when the leaves change colour.
They change from green to beautiful shades of gold, orange and red.
It looks like an artist has come along and painted all the trees.
The air starts to get a little colder in the autumn.
We begin to wear jackets or sweaters.
We go back to school in the autumn.
The teacher sometimes gets us to make leaf collections.
We collect different types of leaves and make a display of them.
Autumn is the time when old friends get back together and talk about what they did on
their summer vacations.
Halloween comes in the autumn.
We dress up in costumes.
Some of them are scary, and some of them are funny.
We go from door to door and say "Trick or treat" and people give us candies.
We wear masks on our faces, and we have a lot of fun.
The autumn winds start to blow.
The wind blows the leaves right off the trees until the trees have bare branches.
My friends and I like to have a lot of fun outside before the winter leaves us shivering.
We play football and soccer at school.
After school, we ride our bikes through piles of dry leaves.
The leaves go flying through the air as we drive through them.
My parents rake the leaves up and put them in big pile.
I like to jump in the big piles of leaves, but then my parents just have to rake them up
The skies get a little cloudier in the autumn, and we know that soon there will be snow,
so we enjoy the brisk autumn weather while we can



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و چهار - تابستان

درس هفتاد و چهار - تابستان


Yahoo! School is over!
We are free for the summer.
My friends and I run out on the last day of school into the bright summer sun.
We sing a song about "no more pencils, no more books."
We can hardly wait to do all the summer things that we like to do.
We go swimming, we play baseball, we ride our bikes and we go to the beach.
We go on vacations, or some of us go to summer camp.
It is just nice to run barefoot through the grass or lie on your back and look up at the
Summer days are lazy days.
We don't have to do school work.
We listen to the buzzing of the bees.
We watch the birds as they fly from tree to tree.
We go down to the pond and toss rocks into the water.
We eat ice cream, and we have barbecues.
Some of my friend's parents have boats, so we go for rides in their boats.
Some of my friends go to their cottages.
They have cottages on lakes.
Some of my friends even have summer jobs.
My best friend works at the supermarket.
My father pays me to do jobs for him.
I cut the grass, take out the garbage and wash the car.
I like to be outside in the sunshine.
On Sundays, my mother will pack a picnic lunch, and we go down to the park.
Sometimes we play baseball.
There is also a tennis court at the park.
I am a very good tennis player.
My sister just likes to swing on the swings and slide down the slide.
We eat our sandwiches and watch out for the ants that always seem to be at picnics.
After we have our lunch, my sister and I run off to play with the other children.
My Dad has a nap, and my Mother reads her book.
My skin gets brown from the sun in the summer.
Summer is my favorite season.
I like the sounds, smells and feelings that come with the summer sun.
Summer is a lot of fun.
I wish summer could go on forever.

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مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و پنج - دکتر

درس هفتاد و پنج - دکتر

The Doctor

I didn't feel very well last week.
I had a sore throat and a fever.
My mother took me to see the doctor.
When we got there, the nurse took my name and said that the doctor would be with me
The doctor was a very nice man in a white jacket.
I had seen the doctor before when I had my tonsils out at the hospital.
The doctor took a light and looked in my ears.
He put a stick on my tongue, and he shone his light into my mouth.
He looked at my throat.
He said that my throat was a bit swollen and red.
He felt my neck and said that my glands were swollen.
He took my temperature and said that it was quite high.
He listened to my heart, and he made me cough.
He asked me some questions.
He said that he might have to do some tests.
He sent me to get some blood taken out of my arm.
I was scared, but it didn't really hurt.
The doctor gave me some pills and told me to take one in the morning and one at night.
He told me to drink a lot of fluids.
He told me to get plenty of sleep.
I did exactly what the doctor told me to do.
It wasn't very long before I was feeling well again.
I think that I might like to be a doctor when I grow up.
I would like to make people feel better.

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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و شش - دندانپزشک

درس هفتاد و شش - دندانپزشک

My friend's father is a dentist.
He has an office near my house.
I went to see him on Thursday.
His nurse told me to sit in a very big chair.
She tied a bib under my chin.
The dentist came in.
He examined my teeth with some shiny silver tools.
He looked at my front teeth and my back teeth.
He told me that the back teeth were called molars.
He told me to "open wide."
He had a little mirror that he used to look at my teeth.
He said that I had good strong teeth.
He told me that I didn't have any cavities.
I told him that I didn't eat a lot of candies and that I always brushed my teeth after every
He said that was very good.
He asked me if I flossed my teeth, and I said, "Yes, I use dental floss every day."
He told me that my teeth were healthy because I took very good care of them.
He left and told me to keep up the good work.
The dental hygienist came in, and she said that she would clean my teeth for me.
She scraped my teeth with a sharp tool, and then she put some polish on my teeth and
began to clean them.
When she was done, she told me to spit into a bowl, and then I rinsed my mouth out with
I looked into a mirror and saw that my teeth were very shiny and white.
If I take care of my teeth, I'll have them forever.
I would like to keep my teeth healthy and white.
I like to smile.
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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و هفت- تاتر مدرسه

درس هفتاد و هفت- تاتر مدرسه

The School Play
Some of the students are actors in the play.
Some people are building the sets.
Some people will sew costumes, and some people will be makeup artists.
The teacher is the director of the play.
The play will be held on a big stage in the gymnasium.
The curtains will open, the lights will go on, and the play will begin.
It will be very exciting.
All of our families will come to see the play.
They will clap when the play is over.
My friend is very good at cutting wood and building things.
He is helping to build the set.
My other friend, Michael, is an artist, so he is painting the set so that it looks like a forest.
My friend Marie likes to put makeup on people, so she is a makeup artist.
She will put makeup on me so that I will look like an old woman.
Some of the mothers helped to sew the costumes.
The play is called "Hansel and Gretel."
I will play the part of the witch.
The boy who plays Hansel has to wear shorts and a shirt.
I wear a witch's hat and a black dress.
I also carry a broom.
Some of the people in my class will be dressed like trees and flowers.
This is a musical play, and the trees and flowers will sing to Hansel and Gretel as they
walk through the forest.
I can hardly wait for opening night.
I want my family and friends to see me acting on stage.
I hope that they like the play.
We have all learned our lines and worked very hard at making this play a succes

We are putting on a play at school.
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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و هشت - احساسات

درس هفتاد و هشت - احساسات


Do you ever think about your emotions?
What kinds of things make you sad?
I get sad when I get a bad mark in school, or when someone that I like moves away.
I sometimes see sad movies that make me cry.
I don't like to be sad.
I don't like to have a frown on my face.
I like to be happy.
I am happy most of the time.
Parties make me happy.
Being with my friends makes me happy.
Lots of things make me happy.
If someone tells me a joke, I laugh.
I enjoy laughing.
Funny movies make me laugh.
I think that people look the best when they smile.
What kinds of things make you mad?
I get mad when my brother breaks one of my toys.
I try not to show it when I get mad.
My parents get mad at me if I come home late.
I don't think anger is a good emotion.
It is best to stay calm and talk things over.
Emotions come from inside you, but they show on your face.
People can tell when you are mad, or sad or happy.
I prefer to look happy.
Sometimes I even smile when I am feeling sad, and the smile makes me feel a little better

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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هفتاد و نه - اولین شغل من

درس هفتاد و نه - اولین شغل من

My First Job

I just got a job at the grocery store.
This is my first job.
I will receive a pay cheque every two weeks.
I wear a uniform.
The uniform has the name of the grocery store on it.
I have many jobs at the grocery store.
I have to collect all the carts from the parking lot and bring them back into the store.
I have to put all the produce out for the people to see.
I will be putting out the vegetables.
There are carrots, lettuce, cabbages, cucumbers and beans to put out this morning.
I also have to put the fruit out on the stands so that it looks nice.
The oranges roll away when I put them out, so I have to be careful.
I put out the apples, bananas and grapes.
I stack boxes up so that people can buy cereal and cookies.
I have to be careful, or the boxes will fall.
There are cans of things which also need to be placed on the shelves.

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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هشتاد - دروغ

درس هشتاد - دروغ

The Lie
The Lie
Yesterday I told a lie.
I don't feel very good about it.
I was bouncing a ball in the kitchen, and the ball bounced up and broke a cup.
It was one of my mother's best cups, so I was afraid that she would be mad.
I put the broken cup back on the table, and I didn't tell anyone that I had broken it.
That night, my mother asked who had broken the cup.
My brother said, "not me."
My sister said, "I didn't do it."
I said, "I didn't break the cup," but I was lying.
My mother said that we would all be punished, if someone didn't tell the truth and say
who broke the cup.
I still did not tell her that I had broken it.
She gave us one more chance, and said that she wasn't mad about the cup; she just
wanted us to be honest.
I still didn't say anything.
My brother, sister and I all got sent to our rooms.
We had to stay in our rooms all morning.
My brother said that it wasn't fair.
I felt very bad because my brother and sister were being punished because of me.
I went to my mother and told her that I had broken the cup.
She said that she was not upset about the broken cup.
She knew that it was an accident.
She was disappointed in me because I hadn't come forward and told the truth.
She said that she wouldn't have punished me if I had been honest with her.
I told my brother and sister that I was sorry.
I felt bad because they were punished because I was dishonest.
I told my mother that I was sorry that I had lied to her.
I told her that I had learned a lesson.
Honesty is the best policy.
It is better to tell the truth.
It is not a good feeling when people don't trust you.
I have learned that lying just hurts people.
Sometimes it is hard to be honest, but it is the best way to be


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هشتاد و یک - سرگرمی ها

درس هشتاد و یک - سرگرمی ها


A lot of people have hobbies.
Hobbies are interesting things that people like to do in their spare time.
My father has a hobby.
He has a model railroad set that he put together.
A tiny electric train runs through make-believe villages and travels through tunnels and
over mountains.
My father also enjoys sailing.
He has a real sailboat that he takes us out on.
He is teaching me how to sail.
I like to collect things.
I collect comic books, stamps and coins.
I trade comic books with some of my friends, and sometimes I buy comic books at stores.
Some of the very old comic books are worth a lot of money.
I have stamps from all over the world.
Whenever any of my friends get a letter from a faraway place, they save the stamps for
I have stamps from England, Japan, Australia and even Russia.
I use a magnifying glass to look at the stamps, and I keep them in a special album.
I don't have too many coins yet, but I have a very old dime from Canada, and I have a
coin with a hole in it from Africa.
My mother used to collect dolls when she was a little girl.
The dolls wore costumes from different countries.
My friend John's hobby is painting.
He does oil painting.
He has even sold some of his paintings.
He is a good artist.
My friend Linda sews.
She has made clothes for herself and some of her friends.
Maybe Linda will be a fashion designer when she gets older.
Sometimes people's hobbies lead them into their careers.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هشتاد و دو - کریسمس

درس هشتاد و دو - کریسمس


In December, Christmas comes.
We get a holiday from school, and our parents get a few days off from work.
Our family gets ready for Christmas by decorating the house.
We decorate inside and out.
On the outside of the house we put up lights that twinkle and glow.
We have a wooden Santa Claus and reindeer set that my father puts up on the roof.
Inside, we put up a Christmas tree.
Some years we have a real tree.
Real pine trees smell nice, but you have to be careful that they don't dry out and start a
This year we have an artificial tree.
We hang tinsel and ornaments on the tree.
We also hang strands of lights on the tree and put a star at the top.
Everyone thinks that the tree is beautiful when we turn on the lights.
We place gifts under the tree.
There is a gift for me under the tree.
It is wrapped in red paper, and it has a big green bow on it.
Red and green are the Christmas colours.
On Christmas Eve, my brother and sister and I will hang our stockings near the fireplace.
Santa Claus comes down the chimney and fills our stockings full of toys and goodies.
On Christmas morning, it is exciting to see what Santa has left for you.
My mother will make a big turkey dinner for us on Christmas day.
We will have lots of vegetables and good tasting foods to go with the turkey.
We will have dessert too.
Some of my family like Christmas pudding, but I will just have ice cream.
Last year some carolers came to the door.
It was snowing outside.
They stood in the snow and sang Christmas carols to us.
My father gave them some money, and my mother gave them some hot chocolate to
warm them up.
They had lovely voices, and they sang some of my favorite carols.
We also collect food, gifts and money for some of the people in town who cannot afford
to have Christmas.
My family is collecting things for a poor family who live near here.
We had fun deciding which toys to buy for the children in that family.
It is a good feeling to share with people who do not have as much as you do.
My parents have always taught us that Christmas is a time for giving, not receiving



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هشتاد و سه - باغ

درس هشتاد و سه - باغ

The garden is very interesting.
I sometimes go outside and I watch all the things that go on in the garden.
It smells wonderful in the flower garden.
There are red, white, pink and yellow roses that have a sweet smell.
I watch the bees as they take pollen from the roses.
There are tiny bugs that live on the rose bushes.
My mother tries to get rid of the little bugs, but it is difficult to get rid of them.
She is glad to see the red ladybugs, who eat the little bugs.
The birds like the sunflowers.
They like to eat sunflower seeds.
There is a birdbath in the garden.
The blackbirds and swallows go in there to take a drink or have a bath.
I sometimes see a robin or a bluejay in there too.
In the dirt there are little holes where the ants go in and out.
The ants are hard workers.
I watch them as they work together as a team to bring food to their nests.
There are snails in the garden too.
They carry their homes on their backs.
They move slowly and leave a silvery trail as they go.
They eat the leaves from my mother's plants.
My mother also has vegetables growing in her garden.
She grows green peas.
We like to pick those and eat the peas raw, right out of their pods.
She grows lettuce and tomatoes too.
We have so many tomatoes that we always give some to our neighbours.
My mother sends us outside to pick lettuce and tomatoes whenever we have a salad.
My favorite vegetables are carrots.
Their tops grow above the earth, but the carrots are below the dirt.
When you pick them, you have to pull the carrots out from under the soil.
Weeds also grow in the garden.
After a good rainfall, it seems that the weeds just spring up.
I pull the weeds out by their roots so that they won't grow back.
Weeds choke the good plants, so we don't want them in our garden.
Gardening is a good hobby.
You get fresh air, sunshine and exercise.
You even get beautiful, colourful flowers and nice fresh food



عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
درس هشتاد و چهار - فروشگاه حیوانات خانگی

درس هشتاد و چهار - فروشگاه حیوانات خانگی

The Pet Store

On Saturday, my parents took us to the pet store.
They had everything that you would need if you had a pet.
They had dog food, collars and leashes for dogs.
They had treats to give your dog, and brushes to brush your dog.
For cats, they had food, toys, and litter boxes.
For birds, they had seed and cages.
There was a section for fish.
They had fish in big tanks and little bowls.
In the big tanks, there were colourful fish swimming around.
The girl who worked there said that they were tropical fish.
There were goldfish in the smaller fishbowls.
I saw the girl get a goldfish out with a little net.
She sold it to a boy who said he had another goldfish at home.
There was a very large cage with a parrot in it.
I walked up to the cage, and the parrot said "hello."
I was surprised that the parrot could talk.
It could say a few things.
It said, "I love you," "pretty bird," and "bye-bye."
I told my mother that I would like a parrot, but she said that parrots need a lot of care and
At the back of the store there were some puppies.
They seemed glad to see me.
I stuck my hand into the cage, and one of them licked my hand.
They were very lively.
They were running around and chasing their own tails.
In the next cage there were two kittens.
One of them was playing with a toy, and the other one was asleep.
The kittens were very small.
The one that was sleeping was curled up into a ball.
I couldn't even see her face.
I didn't want to leave the pet store.
I was wishing that I could take all of the animals home with me
