Essential Words for the TOEFL


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. able to produce abundantly

v. fertilize (1.After the egg has been fertilized, it will hatch in about six weeks. put fertilizer on the soil to make plants grow)

n. fertility (the ability of the land or soil to produce good crops,the ability of a
person, animal, or plant to produce babies, young animals, or seeds)

n. fertilizer (a substance that is put on the soil to make plants grow)

Syn. Rich
The delta areas of rivers are known for their fertile soil.
Fertilizers are used on crops to increase yields.
Some fish are very fertile: they lay thousands of eggs.
Are these eggs fertile?
Most men remain fertile into old age.
800 acres of fertile cropland.
the fertile soil of Khuzestan.
this apple tree is very fertile.
nitrates fertilize soil.
they fertilize the garden at least once a year.
fertilizers increase the fertility of the soil.



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adv. caught or produced not long ago

adj. fresh
v. freshen (also freshen up, to make something look or feel clean, new, attractive, cool etc)
n. freshness
Syn. recently

Freshly harvested produce is hard to find in the winter months.
The product's freshness depends on an efficient transportation system to bring it to
“This coffee smells good.” “Yes, it’s freshly made.”
His shirts have been freshly washed and ironed.
freshly ground pepper.
I'm going to buy some white paint to freshen up the bathroom walls.
I must just go and freshen (myself) up before dinner.
She’s freshened up the house with a new coat of paint.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

n. the normal purpose of something
adv. functionally
adj. functional
v. function
Syn. Role

It is the function of the director to organize and lead the department.
Most appliances cannot function without electricity.
Flights in and out of Taipei are functioning normally again.
Her legs have now ceased to function .
You know I can't function (=cannot perform normal activities) without a coffee in the morning.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. a primary or basic element
adv. fundamentally
Syn. essential

The student government promised fundamental changes in the registration process.
He is fundamentally strong in his area of expertise.
There’s a fundamental difference in attitude between these two politicians.
The fundamental purpose of my plan is to encourage further development.
A knowledge of economics is fundamental to any understanding of this problem.
We have to tackle the fundamental cause of the problem.
a fundamental difference in opinion.
Novice programmers sometimes make fundamental errors.
the fundamental principles of liberty and equality.

computers have a fundamental role in industry.
the fundamental rules of arts and sciences.
a fundamental change.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. not chosen carefully; unplanned
adv. indiscriminately
Syn. arbitrary

The indiscriminate arrangement of the products made the store confusing.
The book's chapters seem to be organized indiscriminately.
the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers.
Even so-called ‘tactical' nuclear weapons are indiscriminate in their effect.
Soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. careful about what you choose to do, buy, allow etc
adv. selectively
adj. select
v. select
n. selection
n. selectivity
Syn. discriminating

They were very selective when they chose the members of the academic team.
He selected Spanish as his language class.
He’s always very selective when he buys his suits.
They quoted from the report selectively in order to support their argument.
selective about/in
We're very selective about what we let the children watch.
selective schools (=that choose which students to accept)


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. having a lot of room

adj. spaciously
n. space
n. spaciousness
Syn. expansive
ᅳopposite cramped

The spacious plains of the Midwest make up the nation's breadbasket.
A vacuum is an empty space.
a spacious living area.
a spacious office.
a spacious car.
a spacious suitcase.
a spacious kitchen.
later on he bought a more spacious house.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to fight without surrender; to persist
Syn. survive, stand up to
She cannot withstand the pressures of her job.
The old building withstood the terrible storm.
They withstood the enemy’s attack.
The Chancellor has withstood the criticism and held firm.
he could not withstand psychological pressure
the city was not capable of withstanding a prolonged siege


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
Lesson 15


adj. something that lasts a long time, able to last; long-lasting
n. durability
n. duration (the length of time that something continues)
Syn. sturdy

It was a durable refrigerator, but it finally broke.
The durability of tires is a key factor in determining their quality.
trousers of durable material.
a durable, easy-to-clean surface.
a durable peace between two nations.
Wood is a durable material.
His poetry has proved durable.
The course is of three years' duration.
The package includes cycle hire for the duration of your holiday.
an illness of short duration.
He will be in the hospital for the duration of the school year.
these shoes are very durable.
our friendship will be durable.
durable goods and nondurable goods such as clothes and food.



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to prefer
adv. favorably
adj. favorable (suitable)
adj. favorite
n. favor
Syn. support

The supervisor favored the first of the two plans.
The weather was favorable for the contest.
The disease spreads quickly under favourable conditions .
a financial environment that is favorable to job creation.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

n. to obtain something needed or useful; to increase the amount of something
adj. gainful
n. gain
Syn. attain

He gained a lot of experience working as a volunteer.
His gain in knowledge was impressive.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to produce
adj. generated
n. generation
n. generator
Syn. create

The appearance of the dance troupe generated a lot of excitement.
The generator provides power to the building during a blackout.
This computer program will generate a list of random numbers.
poverty generates despair.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to stop or discontinue (used especially in news reports)
adv. haltingly
adj. halting
n. halt
Syn. stop

Bus service to the city was halted due to poor road conditions.
The supervisor put a halt to the tardiness of the employees.
“Halt! Who goes there?” shouted the guard.
The train was halted by work on the line.
government measures designed to halt the decline in exports.
The government has failed to halt economic decline.
Safety concerns have led them to halt work on the dam.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to deal with or control
n. handle
Syn. manage

They handled themselves very well given the circumstances.
They president's handling of the crisis was widely applauded.
The headmaster handled the situation very well.
I knew I had handled the matter badly.
Leave it to me. I can handle it.
Most customers were satisfied with the way their complaints were handled.
Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister handles the crisis.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to give protection; not to express a desire or opinion, usually bad
Another Source:

1. to give protection, esp. by giving food and shelter, to (something or someone bad) either on purpose or without knowing, keep in the mind (thoughts or feelings, esp. when bad)

Syn. shelter

He harbors ill feelings for her.
They harbored the political refugee in their home.
they harbored German scientists.
Harboring criminals is a crime.
he harbored thoughts of vengeance.
to harbor suspicion toward strangers.
He harbors a secret grudge against his father.
I think he's harbouring some sort of grudge against me.
She began to harbour doubts over the wisdom of their journey.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. something that causes pain or damage
adv. harmfully
v. harm
n. harm
Syn. unhealthy

Excessive radiation is harmful to the body.
Bleach harms certain fabrics.
the harmful effects of smoking;
harmful bacteria.
chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
Smoking is harmful to your health.

Common Errors:
Traffic fumes are very harmful for our health.
Traffic fumes are very harmful to our health.

(be) harmful to something, NOT for



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. of no value and/or importance:
adv. insignificantly
n. insignificance
Syn. Meaningless, trivial

The amount of rainfall this summer has been insignificantly.
The insignificance of his comment became apparent with the passing of time.
It was a mere detail that seemed insignificant at the time but later proved to be crucial.
an insignificant little man.
You realize that your problems are insignificant in comparison.
the company's losses were insignificant.
The cost of the software is insignificant compared with the cost of training employees to use it.
The spies' payroll included insignificant clerks and highly placed officials.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. 1.not easily understood or figured out 2. secret;

adv. mysteriously
n. mystery
n. mysteriousness
Syn. baffling

He had a mysterious effect on everyone who heard him speak.
The man's disappearance was a mystery.
The mysterious disappearance of my brother upset everyone.
He’s being very mysterious about his future plans.
The police are investigating the mysterious deaths of children at the hospital.
Benson later disappeared in mysterious circumstances .
There's something mysterious going on.
She hid her thoughts behind a mysterious smile.
he died of a mysterious disease.
she smiled mysteriously but did not say anything.
Jackson had mysteriously disappeared.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. threatening or risky; harmful, very dangerous
adv. perilously
n. peril
Syn. Dangerous

It is perilous to exceed the speed limit.
There are ample perils in the sport of mountain climbing.
a perilous journey across the mountains.
crossig the old Shemiran road was always perilous.
a perilous mountain road.
Blondin soon became famous as a rope-dancer. Nothing was too perilous for him to attempt.
Karpov, the champion, came perilously close to losing.
a prayer for those in peril on the sea.
They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.
The economy is now in grave peril.
a voyage that was fraught with peril (=full of danger)
They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.
The economy is now in grave peril.
a voyage that was fraught with peril (=full of danger).
the perils of a life at sea.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. reschedule at a later time; put off
n. postponement
ᅳsyn. put back,delay

ᅳopposite bring forward

The teacher postponed the lab experiment.
The postponement of the fight for three hours was unavoidable.
The match had to be postponed until next week.
They've decided to postpone having a family for a while.
His trial has been postponed indefinitely (=no one knows when it will happen).
The project has been postponed indefinitely.
We’re postponing our vacation until August.
to postpone making a decision.
In 1968, the Oscar ceremony was postponed for two days, following the assassination of Martin Luther King.
Several of today's football games have been postponed because of heavy snow.
They decided to postpone the wedding until Bahram's mother was out of the hospital.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to encourage or advertise; to elevate in rank or grade
n. promoter (a person whose job is to promote events, activities, products, etc)
n. promotion
Syn. boost
—opposite demote

Many nations promote tourism to lure foreign currency.
The customers responded favorably to the half-price promotion.
My daughter’s just been promoted!
The young army officer was promoted to (the rank of) captain.
a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.
a meeting to promote trade between Taiwan and the U.K.
She's in London to promote her new book.
a boxing promoter.
promoters of solar energy.
I want a job with good prospects for promotion.
Your promotion to Senior Editor is now official.
the promotion of a new stock company.
captain Javadi's promotion was delayed for two years.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to refuse to accept, consider or use.
n. rejection ((an example of) rejecting or being rejected )
Syn. refuse
ᅳopposite accept

The insurance company rejected the claim.
The rejection of his work was difficult for him to understand.
She rejected my suggestion.
He was rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.
If people are unkind to him he feels rejected.
The patient rejected (=his body failed to accept) the transplanted heart.
the rejection of an application.

Sarah rejected her brother's offer of help.
Gibson rejected the idea as 'absurd'.
Dexter flatly rejected (=completely rejected) calls for his resignation.
His proposal was rejected outright (=completely rejected).
What are the reasons for his rejection of the theory?
They sent me a rejection letter.
publishers rejected his novel.
his body rejected the transplanted kidney.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

adj. important; strongly made; of value, large in amount or number
adv. substantial
adj. substantive(dealing with things that are important or real)
Syn. significant

The discovery of a vaccine for smallpox was a substantial medical achievement.
This substantive article will change your opinion of rock music.
a substantial mahogany desk.
They made substantial changes to the arrangements.
a substantial piece of furniture.
We have the support of a substantial number of parents.
a substantial salarya.

substantive discussions (=in which subjects of importance are discussed and progress is made).
The State Department reported that substantive discussions had taken place with Beijing.
It was a lengthy speech but he made few substantive points.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
Lesson 16


adj. showing serious purpose; one who works carefully and with enthusiasm, careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do,
showing great care, attention, or seriousness of purpose:

adv. conscientiously
N. conscientiousness

Syn. meticulous

She is a conscientious representative of the student body.
They approached the task conscientiously.
a conscientious worker.
a conscientious piece of work.
A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.
a conscientious and hard-working student.
he is very conscientious in his work.
a conscientious reader.
a most conscientious piece of work.
his conscientiousness and loyalty to the company.



مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز

v. to communicate or express something, with or without using words,
to make (feelings, ideas, thoughts, etc.) known:

Syn. communicate

The manager of the store conveyed his displeasure directly to the workers.
He was able to convey his message to the audience with ease.
The administration’s anger was conveyed to their ambassador.
His music conveys a sense of optimism.
He tried to convey how he felt.

All this information
can be conveyed in a simple diagram.
Ads convey the message that thin is beautiful.
He was sent to convey a message to the U.N. Secretary General.
I want to convey to children that reading is one of life's greatest treats.
convey a sense/an impression/an idea etc
You don't want to convey the impression that there's anything illegal going on.

Envoy Conveys Iran's Message to Turkmen President.

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