خدمت شما ..سلام من دارم در مورد مبدل های حرارتی که در نیروگاهای خورشیدی استفاده میشه تحقیق میکنم لطفا چند تا مقاله در این زمینه برای من بفرستید
Heat extraction from salinity-gradient solar ponds using heat pipe heat exchangers Original Research Article
Solar Energy, Volume 84, Issue 9, September 2010, Pages 1706-1716
Sura Tundee, Pradit Terdtoon, Phrut Sakulchangsatjatai, Randeep Singh, Aliakbar Akbarzadeh
Heat extraction methods from salinity-gradient solar ponds and introduction of a novel system of heat extraction for improved efficiency Review Article
Solar Energy, Volume 85, Issue 12, December 2011, Pages 3103-3142
Jimmy Leblanc, Aliakbar Akbarzadeh, John Andrews, Huanmin Lu, Peter Golding
Thermal performance of shallow solar pond under open and closed cycle modes of heat extraction Original Research Article
Solar Energy, Volume 95, September 2013, Pages 30-41
A.A. El-Sebaii, S. Aboul-Enein, M.R.I. Ramadan, A.M. Khallaf
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این مقاله رو میخواستم:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920586105003871
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فقط این مقاله توش نبود میشه لطف کنید این یکی رو هم واسم بزارین
Compact heat exchangers: A review and future applications for a new generation of high temperature solar receivers
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فقط این مقاله توش نبود میشه لطف کنید این یکی رو هم واسم بزارین
Compact heat exchangers: A review and future applications for a new generation of high temperature solar receivers
num1سلام میشه لطف کنید این مقاله ها رو واسه من بفرستین.
خیلی ممنون
Dynamic simulation of a solar power plant steam generation system
Object-oriented modeling for the transient response simulation of multi-pass shell-and-tube heat exchangers as applied in active indirect thermal energy storage systems for concentrated solar power
Thermal analytical model of latent thermal storage with heat pipe heat exchanger for concentrated solar power
Heat transfer of high thermal energy storage with heat exchanger for solar trough power plant
num4سلام میشه لطف کنید این مقاله ها رو واسه من بفرستین.
خیلی ممنون
Dynamic simulation of a solar power plant steam generation system
Object-oriented modeling for the transient response simulation of multi-pass shell-and-tube heat exchangers as applied in active indirect thermal energy storage systems for concentrated solar power
Thermal analytical model of latent thermal storage with heat pipe heat exchanger for concentrated solar power
Heat transfer of high thermal energy storage with heat exchanger for solar trough power plant
سلامسلام میشه لطف کنید این مقاله ها رو واسه من بفرستین.
خیلی ممنون
Dynamic simulation of a solar power plant steam generation system
Object-oriented modeling for the transient response simulation of multi-pass shell-and-tube heat exchangers as applied in active indirect thermal energy storage systems for concentrated solar power
Thermal analytical model of latent thermal storage with heat pipe heat exchanger for concentrated solar power
Heat transfer of high thermal energy storage with heat exchanger for solar trough power plant
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Methods of using carbon nanotubes as filter media to remove aqueous heavy metals
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Industrial flow measurement / David W. Spitzer
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