سس کچاپ ((KETCHUP SAUCE))


دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
کاربر ممتاز
در این تاپیک، سعی برا این هست که اطلاعات مفید اینترنتی و تحقیقاتی علمی بصورت مقالات درباره سس کچاپ ارائه شود!


دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
کاربر ممتاز
تاریخچه نامگذاری

تاریخچه نامگذاری

سس از كلمه سالسوس گرفته مي شود از سس يراي مزه غذا ‍، سالاد ، اردو و كوكتل استفاده مي كنند . سس، مایع غلیظی است که برای طعم و مزه دادن به انواع غذاها یا جذاب‌تر به نظر آمدن آنها به کار می‌رود. اصل واژه سس فرانسوی است که خود ریشه لاتینی دارد. برای مزه‌دارتر کردن غذا چاشنی‌های گوناگونی بکار می‌رود که سس‌ها جزئی از آنها هستند.

تاریخچه نام سس کچاپ

نام این سس اولین بار در قرن 17 به فرهنگ لغت کشور انگلستان وارد شد. از آن زمان بود که در بسیاری از متون ادبی و دیگر کتاب‌ها نام این سس به میان آمد. البته گفته می‌شود که نام این سس را از یکی از گویش‌های چین برگرفته اند. اگر چه چینی بودن نام این سس مورد بحث قرار گرفته است:
در فرهنگ چین، منظور از واژهٔ کچاپ، بادمجان یا شکل کوتاه شده‌ای برای واژه گوجه فرنگی است؛ درحالی که منظور از کچاپ، سسی است که از عصاره گوجه فرنگی تهیه می‌شود. و نیز به کچاپ، ماهی آزاد و یا در کل، ماهی گفته می‌شود. بنابراین منظور از کچاپ. سس ماهی است. این‌ها همگی نشان دهنده این امر است که این واژه برگرفته از کشور چین نیست.
آخرین ویرایش:


دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
کاربر ممتاز
روش تولید

روش تولید

سس كچاپ ، فرآورده ایست که هم از گوجه فرنگی تازه که از گیاه Lycopersicumcicuicntum از خانواده Solanaccac پوست کنده و دانه گرفته و تغلیظ شده و هم از رب گوجه فرنگی با اضافه کردن مواد افزودنی شامل نمک طعام، سرکه، سیر، پیاز، ادویه ها، بروش حرارتی تهیه و در ظروف مجاز گرم پر شده و نگهداری می شود. سس کچاپ نوعی سس است که معمولاً از گوجه فرنگی رسیده تهیه می‌شود. مواد اصلی تشکیل دهنده سس کچاپ امروزی، گوجه فرنگی، سرکه، شکر، نمک، فلفل شیرین، میخک و دارچین می‌‌باشد. البته گاهی از پیاز، کرفس و ادویه جات دیگر هم در تهیه سس کچاپ استفاده می‌کنند. سس کچاپ را همیشه از گوجه فرنگی درست نمی‌کنند. در ابتدا سس کچاپ به نوعی سس اطلاق می‌‌شد که از قارچ یا ماهی که آن را داخل آب نمک گذاشته و با ادویه جات مزه دار نموده بودند تهیه می‌‌شد. برخی از موادی که برای تهیه این سس در قدیم به آن اضافه می‌‌کردند عبارت بودند از: ماهی کولی، صدف، خرچنگ، گردو، لوبیا قرمز، خیار، لیمو و انگور.

اساس روش تولید سس های مختلف در اختلاط مواد اولیه و بوجود آودرن امولسیون یکنواخت و مناسب است. معمولاً تولید سس ها به طریق صنعتی با شیوه غیر پیوسته و پیوسته تولید می گردد. به دلیل سادگی کار روش غیرپیوسته در این طرح پیشنهاد می گردد.
جهت تولید سس گوجه فرنگی(کچاپ) یا از گوجه فرنگی خام استفاده می شود و یا از رب بریکس 28 در صورتیکه از گوجه فرنگی خام استفاده می شود می بایستی مراحل شستشو- خرد کردن و تغلیظ را طی نماید و پس از آنکه به غلظت مطلوب رسید مواد افزودنی همچون سرکه- پودر پیاز خرد شده خام و مخلوط ادویه جات و... اضافه می گردد. ولی در صورتیکه از رب استفاده شود این مراحل لازم نیست و در نتیجه به ماشین آلات کمتر و بالطبع سرمایه گذاری پائین تری نیاز خواهد شد مگر آنکه تولید کچاپ در واحدهایی صورت گیرد که تولید کننده رب می باشند و بعنوان فرآورده جانبی آنها بحساب آید. چون در این طرح اختصاصاً تولید سس مطرح می باشد بهتر و مقرون بصرفه تر است که از رب جهت تولید کچاپ استفاده گردد. رب یا بریکس 28 در مخزن پخت ریخته شده و با آب نمک و پودر پیاز مخلوط گردیده سپس صمغ را با مقداری آب و شکر مخلوط و حل نموده و به آرامی مخلوط بالا اضافه می نمایند و در انتها ادویه جات بر طبق فرمولاسیون اضافه گریده و هم زده می شود و سپس مخلوط به پرکن رفته و در شیشه های مواد نگهدارنده وسرکه شسته پر گردیده و از تونل پاستوریزاتور جهت پاستوریزه شدن عبور می نماید و بعد از اتیکت زنی در بسته بندی نهایی(کارتن) بسته بندی گردیده و به انبار منتقل می شود جهت تولید سس خردل مواد اولیه بر طبق فرمولاسیون وزن شده و به مخلوط کن تحت خلأ ریخته شده و هم زده می شود سپس بتدریج روغن و خمیر نشاسته به مخلوط اضافه گردیده و هم زده می شود. بعد از این مرحله مخلوط به دیگ پخت دوجداره منتقل شده و حداکثر 10 دقیقه پخت می گردد بعد از خنک شدن مخلوط به هموژنیزاتور جهت یکنواخت شدن منتقل می گردد و سپس توسط دستگاه پر کن، پر گردیده و از تونل پاستوریزاسیون جهت پاستوریزه نمودن عبور می نماید و در نهایت پس از اتیکت زنی در بسته بندی نهایی(کارتن) چیده شده و به انبار سرد منتقل می شود.



دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
کاربر ممتاز
سس کچاپ سنتی و نوین

سس کچاپ سنتی و نوین

دستورالعمل قدیمی تهیه سس کچاپ در دههٔ آغازین قرن 19، به هر سسی که با سرکه تهیه می‌‌شد، سس کچاپ می‌‌گفتند. با گذشت سالیان متمادی، به تدریج سس کچاپ امروزی محبوبیت خود را بدست آورد و آنهم به این دلیل بود که مردمان امریکا، علاقه خاصی به گوجه فرنگی داشتند. البته تا سال 1913م، در فرهنگ‌های لغت هنوز به جای گوجه فرنگی، قارچ ماده اصلی سس کچاپ محسوب می‌‌شد. دستورالعمل تهیه سس کچاپ در قرن 19 طرز تهیه سس کچاپی که در زیر ملاحظه می‌‌کنید، از کتابی که در سال 1801 چاپ شده گرفته شده است: ـ تعدادی گوجه فرنگی رسیده را بردارید. این گوجه فرنگی‌ها را با دست آنقدر بچلانید تا تنها گوشت گوجه باقی بماند و گوجه کاملاً له شود. سپس مقداری نمک به آنها اضافه نمایید (نیم پوند نمک برای 100 عدد گوجه فرنگی) و به مدت دو ساعت گوجه‌های له شده را بپزید. ـ گوجه‌ها را مرتب بهم بزنید تا ته نگرفته و نسوزد. ـ زمانی که گوجه‌ها پختند و هنوز داغ هستند، آنها را از یک صافی عبور دهید. با پشت قاشق روی صافی بکشید تا همه گوشت گوجه از صافی عبور کرده و تنها پوست گوجه فرنگی باقی بماند. سپس مقداری پوست جوز، 3 عدد جوز هندی، فلفل شیرین، میخک، دارچین، زنجبیل و مقداری هم فلفل سیاه برای طعم دادن به گوجه فرنگی، اضافه نمایید. ـ این مخلوط را روی حرارت قرار دهید تا بجوشد و کاملاً غلیظ شود. مخلوط را مرتباً بهم بزنید. ـ وقتی سس آماده شد، بگذارید تا کاملاً سرد شود و سپس آن را داخل بطری بریزید. ـ تعداد 100 عدد گوجه فرنگی، چهار تا پنج بطری سس تولید می‌کند که تا مدت‌ها می‌توان از آن استفاده نمود. نمکی که به گوجه فرنگی اضافه می‌‌کردند، به عنوان نوعی نگهدارنده و جلوگیری کننده از فساد عمل می‌‌کرد و نسبت به سس‌های امروزی، مزه نسبتاً شوری را به سس کچاپ می‌‌داد. تهیه سس کچاپ از این جهت اهمیت داشت که مردمان امریکای شمالی در دهه آغازین قرن 19، از گوجه فرنگی با وجود همه خواص آن استفاده نمی‌کردند، چون اعتقاد داشتند که گوجه فرنگی سمی می‌‌باشد. دستورالعمل تهیه سس کچاپ در قرن 20 با استفاده از انگور این روش را از کتاب آشپزی که در سال 1906 چاپ شده برایتان نقل می‌‌کنیم: مواد لازم برای تهیه سس کچاپ: یک لیتر آب انگور، یک پاینت (واحد اندازه گیری برابر با 568/0 لیتر) سرکه، یک پوند شکر، میخک پودر شده به میزان دلخواه.

سس کچاپ امروزی فردی به نام هینز اولین کسی بود که سس کچاپ کارخانه‌ای را برای اولین بار در سال 1876 میلادی تولید نمود. با وجود بحث و جدل‌هایی که بر سر استفاده از بنزوات سدیم به عنوان ماده نگهدارنده چاشنی‌ها بوجود آمد، سس‌های کچاپ امروزی از سال‌های اول قرن بیستم وارد بازار شدند. آن زمان، محققین استفاده از بنزوات سدیم به منظور نگهداری طولانی مدت از مواد غذایی را ناسالم قلمداد کرده بودند. در جواب آنها، سرمایه گذاران در زمینه تولید سس کچاپ، از جمله خود هینز سعی نمودند تا دستورالعمل‌هایی ارائه دهند که نیاز به استفاده از این ماده نگهدارنده از بین برود. قبل از هینز، سس‌های گوجه فرنگی کچاپ تولیدی آبکی و رقیق بودند. یکی از دلایل رقیق بودن سس‌ها استفاده از گوجه فرنگی‌های نارس برای تهیه سس بود و چون میزان پکتین موجود در این گوجه فرنگی‌ها کم بود، بنابراین سس‌ها رقیق می‌‌شدند. همچنین در تهیه این سس‌ها سرکه کمتری نسبت به سس‌های امروزی به کار می‌‌رفت. هینز عنوان کرد که با استفاده از گوجه فرنگی‌های رسیده، دیگر نیازی به بنزوات سدیم برای جلوگیری از فساد و تغییر طعم گوجه نیست. البته به خاطر داشته باشید که برخی کارشناسان عقیده دارند، همین حذف بنزوات سدیم از سس‌های کچاپ بود که سبب تغییرات اساسی در تهیهٔ این نوع سس و تولید سس‌هایی با طعم و مزهٔ امروزی شد. قبل از "هینز"، سس‌های کچاپ دو طعم داشت: تلخ و نمکی. اما استفاده از گوجه فرنگی رسیده طعم دیگری را هم به انواع سس‌های کچاپ اضافه نمود: شور. بعدها با استفادهٔ بیشتر از سرکه در تهیهٔ این نوع سس طعم ترش و تند هم به طعم‌های قبلی اضافه گردید. زمانی که استفاده از بنزوات سدیم ممنوع شد، طعم شیرین هم ابداع شد. در قدیم سس کچاپ را از گوجه فرنگی‌های تازه‌ای که همان موقع برداشت شده بود تهیه می‌‌کردند. امروزه با استفاده از فناوری تبخیر در خلاء، از گوجه فرنگی خمیر غلیظی تهیه می‌کنند که نگهداری از این خمیر حتی در دمای اتاق هم امکان‌پذیر است و فاسد نمی‌شود. این امر به کارخانجات تولید سس گوجه فرنگی امکان می‌‌دهد که هر موقع سال که بخواهند، سس گوجه تهیه نمایند. ابداعات جدید در قدیم، سس‌های کچاپ را داخل بطری‌های شیشه‌ای می‌‌ریختند که ریختن آن روی غذا خیلی سخت بود. اگر چه بطری‌های شیشه ای، سس را در برابر رطوبت و اکسید شدن حفاظت می‌‌کردند، اما مشکلات خاصی داشتند که از داخل شیشه به سختی بیرون می‌‌آمدند. اگر قبل از مصرف شیشه را خوب تکان نمی‌دادند، سس به دیواره شیشه می‌‌چسبید. فیزیکدانان دلیل این مسئله را به خاطر انبساط سس کچاپ عنوان کردند. بعدها با تولید بطری‌هایی از جنس پلی اتیلن که می‌‌شد بدنهٔ آنها را فشار داد و با این فشار محتوای بطری براحتی خارج می‌‌شد، مشکل استفاده از بطری‌های شیشه‌ای هم برطرف گردید. از سال 2000 م، "هینز" سس‌های کچاپ رنگی به بازار عرضه نموده است. در تهیهٔ این سس ها، رنگ‌های خوراکی را به سس‌های کچاپ قبلی اضافه می‌کنند. این سس‌ها را در بطری‌های نرم پلاستیکی که راحت تر می‌توان آنها را فشرد، بسته بندی می‌کنند. از زمانی که سس کچاپ رنگی به بازار آمده میزان استفاده از سس کچاپ افزایش یافته است. تخمین زدند که تا آغاز سال 2004م، مصرف این سس‌ها در خانه‌ها و در میان کودکان 12 درصد افزایش یافته است. مصرف زیاد سس کچاپی که امروزه با انواع غذاهای آماده به کار می‌رود به دلیل شیرین بودن و همچنین اضافه نمودن نمک به آن برای سلامتی مضر است.


دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
کاربر ممتاز
processing flow

processing flow

Normally tomato ketchup/ sauce is being produced from existing tomato paste during the off season, rarely is produced on-line from fresh tomatoes.

The processing flow is as follow:
1. Tomato paste is being pumped from aseptic storage tanks or from 200 L aseptic bags-in-drums into the first blending tank. Drinkable/ softened water ( RO Pure water system) is prepared to be added, too.
2. In Sugar High-speed Dissolving tanks, the sugar syrup preparation takes place. Sugar powder, starch and salt are added. Pre-warmed water is fed and controlled by magnetic flowmeter. These products are mixed in the tank.
3. Finally all these ingredients are added in the quantity required by the recipes in the blending tanks where are put directly also the microelements, such as spice, peppers etc.
4. After a suitable mixing and cooking time the final product is discharged into an insulated storage tank.
5. The final mixture can now be pumped into an homogenizer.
6. After this, the ketchup is deaerated into an under vacuum deaerator
7. Then the material will be pumped in to a tube-in-tube heat exchanger in order to be pasteurized at 99/ 104° . from which product will come out at about 88-90° C ready for hot fill into the final container ( glass bottles, plastic bottles, etc) .
8. If the chosen container for final product cannot be hot filled at 88-90° C. In this case ketchup from deaerator shall be cooled down at 32-37° C by an aseptic tube-in-tube heat exchanger then pumped to the “ clean room” for filling into the appropriate containers.
9. After the capping phase the bottles go to a tunnel pasteurizer where it is reccomended to hold at about 80 – 85° C for 7 – 8 minutes and then cooled at 45° C and dried ready for labeling and for final packaging in carton or shrink-wrapped film.

Please attention:
A. There are a lot of different recipes for ketchup, HSUM-JUMP can provide custom-made recipes to its clients according to the taste of consumers of that particular market. If you are interested in our machines, please contact with us at: rogerzdy# gmail.com
B. With the same production line, customer can process other kinds concentrate fruit paste/ Jam, to produce fruit juice, sauce, etc.


دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
کاربر ممتاز
batch type” i.e. non continuous"

batch type” i.e. non continuous"

Description of a typical tomato ketchup processing operation. The process described herein is a “batch type” i.e. non continuous.
Normally tomato ketchup is being produced from existing tomato paste during the off season, rarely is produced on-line from fresh tomatoes.

Tomato paste at 30/32°Brix Hot Break type is being pumped from aseptic storage tanks or from 200 L aseptic bags-in-drums into the first mix tank. Drinkable/softened water is being added in a volume such to reduce the solids content down at 15 –16°Brix. The quantity of paste is controlled by a weighing station where the drums are placed.
In a separate tank the sugar syrup preparaton takes place. Sugar powder is added by a warm screw conveyor and pre-warmed water is fed and controlled by magnetic flowmeter. The two products are mixed in the tank up to a concentration of 50/55°Brix and then sent to a storage tank previous filtration through paper filters.
In other two tanks the sturch and salt are prepared.
Storage tanks are forseen for vinegar and demineralized water. Finally all these ingredients are added in the quantity required by the recipies in the mixer/heater where are put directly also the microelements, such as spice, peppers ecc.
After a suitable mixing and cooking time the final product is discharged into an insulated storage tank.
The final mixture (ketchup) can now be pumped by an homogenizer through a tube-in-tube heat exchanger in order to be pasteurized at 99/104°. After this, the ketchup is deaerated into an under vacuum deaerator from which product will come out at about 88-90°C ready for hot fill into the final container (glass bottles, plastic bottles, etc).

If the chosen container for final product cannot be hot filled at 88-90°C cold filling process shall then be used. In this case ketchup from deaerator shall be cooled down at 32-37°C by an aseptic tube-in-tube heat exchanger then pumped to the “clean room” for filling into the appropriate containers.

It is recommended that all heat exchangers are made of special stainless steel of titanium alloy or high molybdenum content due to the severe corrosion properties of the ketchup.

There are a lot of different recipes for ketchup, FENCO can provide custom-made recipes to its clients according to the taste of consumers of that particular market.


Very common is the packaging in bottles which can be plastic or glass.

In case of plastic, multi layer polyester/polypropylene containers are advisable, more expensive, but performing better filling at temperature up to 95°C and providing better oxygen barrier.
The filling is performed by a specific volumetric filler equipped with recirculation system in order to keep at the right temperature the product during production. After the capping phase the bottles go to a tunnel pasteurizer where it is reccomended to hold at about 80 – 85°C for 7 – 8 minutes and then cooled at 45°C and dried ready for labeling and for final packaging in carton or shrink-wrapped film

resource: http://www.fenco.it



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It is made from strained tomato juice or pulp and spices, salt, sugar and vinegar, with or without onion and garlic, and contains not less than 12 per cent tomato solids and 25 per cent total solids.

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دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
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The main objective of processing is to supply wholesome, safe, nutritious and acceptable food to consumers throughout the year. Tomatoes and tomato-based foods are considered healthy for the reason that they are low in calories, but possess a remarkable combination of antioxidant micro-nutrients.

A number of tomato products e.g. ketchup, juice, puree, paste, sauce, pickles are available in the market. These are items of common use in households, hotels, restaurants, institutions. Tomato puree is used as a substitute to fresh tomato during cooking. Ketchup is a sweet spicy food. Tomato juice is nutritious and appealing juice in taste. Tomato sauce tastes sweet and sour. Both sauce and ketchup are consumed with food and snacks. Tomato is a valuable raw material used for processed products such as juice, puree, and paste, ketchup/sauce, and canned whole. The recent scientific advances have revolutionized tomato processing industries
[h=2]Tomato Products[/h]
Tomatoes are used in enormous quantities in the fresh state, as canned tomatoes, and in the form of canned juice, puree, paste, ketchup and sauce. Tomato ketchup and sauce have got a mixed taste of sweet and sour. They have got a very good flavour and delicious taste. Tomatoes are very refreshing. They are very good for increasing the appetite. They are very good source of vitamin C required by human body. The demand for tomato products is increasing day by day. There is bright future for new entrepreneurs and as well as existing manufacturers. Any entrepreneur can venture in this field.
Plant capacity: 3300 Pkts/Day Plant & machinery: Rs. 13 Lakhs
Working capital: Rs. 28.0 LakhsT.C.I: Rs. 56 Lakhs
Return: 73.89%Break even: 44.50%

[h=2]Tomato Ketchup, Tomato Sauce And Tomato Soup[/h]
Fruit and vegetable production is labour intensive, as every plant and its products need to be looked after and greater human intervention is needed at the time of harvest, to ensure right size, maturity, colour, ripeness and so on. The fruit and vegetable group is the single largest item in the national statistics on private final consumption expenditure in domestic market. Tomato ketchup, Tomato soups and Tomato sauce are all palatable foods used in all hotels, restaurants and houses. Indias vegetable production has increased from about 20 million tonnes in the fifties to about 90 million tonnes. Few new entrepreneurs can venture into this project.
Plant capacity: Tomato Ketchup 600 MT/Annum, Tomato Sauce 600 MT/Annum, Tomato Soup 600 MT/Annum
Plant & machinery: 32 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 115 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%
Break even: 61.00%


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tomato sauce/ketchup is always produced by existing tomato paste concentrate, rarely is produced from fresh tomatoes.

Main equipments:​
Blending Tank​
High-speed dissolving sugar tank​
Vacuum Desaeration​
High pressure homogenizer​
Tubular sterilizer​
Filling machine​
Ink Code​
Seaming Machine



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دستیار مدیر مهندسی کشاورزی , صنایع غذایی
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Ketchup, a tangy, seasoned tomato sauce, is one of America's favorite condiments. Although ketchup, also spelled catsup, is used primarily as a relish for hamburgers, hot dogs, and french fries, it is also a common ingredient for sauces, meatloaf, beans, and stews. During the mid-1990s the sales of ketchup exceeded $400 million annually.​
The tangy sauce originated in ancient China as a brine of pickled fish or shellfish called "ke-tsiap." Neighboring countries adopted their own variations of "kechap" consisting of fish brine, herbs, and spices. In the late 1600s, English sailors visiting Malaysia and Singapore were so impressed with the sauce that they took samples home. English cooks attempted to duplicate the spicy sauce, but without access to some of the exotic Asian ingredients, they improvised with cucumbers, mushrooms, nuts, oysters, and other variants.​
One hundred years later, New Englanders created the definitive tomato ketchup when Maine seamen returned from Mexico and the Spanish West Indies with seeds of an exotic New World fruit called tomato. The tangy tomato ketchup quickly became a popular sauce for codfish cakes, meat, and other foods.​
Making ketchup at home was a tedious, day-long process. The tomato mixture, cooked in heavy iron kettles at wood-burning stoves, required constant stirring to prevent it from burning. Scouring the preserving kettles meticulously was also no easy task. To the relief of many homemakers, ketchup became commercially available in the second half of the 1800s.​
H.J. Heinz Co. developed one of the first leading brands of mass-marketed ketchup. The classic narrow-neck design of the Heinz ketchup bottle established the norm for the industry. The narrow-neck bottle simplified pouring the ketchup and minimized contact with air, which could darken the sauce. Glass was an ideal container because it was inert and did not react with the ketchup, and the clear glass allowed the consumer to see the product. Initially, the bottles were sealed with cork, dipped by hand into wax to prevent aeration, and topped with foil to further protect it from contamination. By the turn of the century, screw caps provided a more convenient closure. In the 1980s, plastic squeezable containers revolutionized ketchup packaging and soon outsold glass containers. Plastic was not only more convenient than glass for pouring the thick sauce, but also safer. Ten years later, in response to environmental concerns, recyclable plastic containers were also developed.​
[h=2]Raw Materials[/h]
The main ingredients of ketchup are tomatoes, sweeteners, vinegar, salt, spices, flavorings, onion, and/or garlic. The types of sweetener used are usually granulated cane sugar or beet sugar. Other sweeteners include dextrose or liquid sugar in the form of corn or glucose syrup. The white vinegar, commonly 100-grain distilled, helps to preserve the ketchup. The spices commonly used to enhance the flavor of the tomatoes are allspice, cassia, cinnamon, cayenne, cloves, pepper, ginger, mustard, and paprika. Some manufacturers believe that whole spices produce a superior, more mild flavor than ground spices or spice oils. More modern processes use premixed or encapsulated spices, which are easier to use but more expensive. Whatever the form, spices must be of a high quality.​
The various brands of ketchup have slightly different formulas, which vary primarily in the amounts of spices or flavorings. Thicker consistencies require a greater ratio of sugar and spices relative to the tomato juice. Occasionally formulas must be slightly adjusted according to variations in the acid and sugar content of tomatoes, which occurs with changes in growing conditions and types of tomatoes.​
[h=2]The Manufacturing
Process[/h] [h=3] Developing quality tomatoes [/h]

  • [*=left] 1 Ketchup manufacturers must seek out the best quality tomatoes for their product. Tomato varieties are developed which are superior in color, flavor, texture, and yield. Consistency is an important factor, as slight variations in tomato characteristics could alter the flavor and color of the finished product.
[h=3] Preparing tomatoes [/h]

  • [*=left] 2 Tomatoes are harvested mechanically between June and July. The fruit is commonly conveyed by water from the trucks into a flume, or an inclined channel. The water method washes the tomatoes and protects them from bruising while they pass from the truck to the factory. The U.S. Department of Agriculture or state inspectors approve and grade tomatoes to meet initial requirements. The tomatoes are sorted, washed, and chopped. Next, precooking, or scaling, in stainless steel vats preserves the tomatoes and destroys bacteria.

By the 1920s, when this photo was taken, ketchup operations were highly mechanized.
(From the collections of Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village.)​

The history of ketchup and the history of advertising are inextricably intertwined. This is especially true in the case of the H.J. Heinz Company, a firm that pioneered many elements of the prepared food business and the modern advertising industry.​
Born in 1844, Henry John Heinz began helping his mother with her gardens along the Allegheny River, just east of Pittsburgh, when he was nine years old. He learned business practices while working as a bookkeeper for his father's brickyard and at night school. By his teens he was employing three women to help process garden products and bottling his mother's horseradish for distribution. Heinz distinguished his horseradish from his competitors by using clear glass bottles to emphasize the product's purity.​
Twenty years later, Heinz was operating another family food processing firm. Riding the New York elevator one day in 1892, he saw a sign advertising 21 varieties of shoes. He took the concept, came up with a figure of 57 because he thought it was a memorable number, and created the catch phrase "Heinz 57 Varieties."​
In 1893, seeking to bolster attendance at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Heinz distributed thousands of small tokens throughout the fair grounds. The tokens were redeemable for a free Heinz souvenir, a watch charm in the shape of a pickle, at the food pavilion, which was soon overrun with visitors. The "pickle pin" went on to become one of the best-known corporate souvenirs in history, with over 100 million distributed.​
In 1898, Heinz bought the Iron Pier in Atlantic City, New Jersey, renamed it the Heinz Ocean Pier, and operated it until 1945 as a free public attraction with antique displays, lectures, concerts, and motion pictures amid the displays of Heinz products and souvenirs.​
William S. Pretzer
[h=3] Pulping [/h]

  • [*=left] 3 The chopped and precooked tomatoes are pumped into pulping machines, or cyclones, which separate seeds, skins, and stems from the pulp. The pulp and juice are filtered through screens and processed further into ketchup, though some may be stored in a paste for use later in the year.
[h=3] Adding ingredients and cooking [/h]

  • [*=left] 4 The pulp is pumped into cooking tanks or kettles and heated to boiling. Foaming may occur if fresh tomato pulp is used, but can be corrected with anti-foaming compounds or compressed air. Precise amounts of sweeteners, vinegar, salt, spices, and flavorings are added to the tomato pulp. Most spices are added early in the cooking process. To avoid excessive evaporation, volatile spice oils and vinegar must be mixed in later. Onions and garlic can be mixed in with the spices, placed in a separate bag, or chopped and added to the pulp. Salt and sugar may be added at any stage of cooking though it is better to add sugar later to prevent burning. The mixture cooks for 30-45 minutes and is circulated by rotating blades installed in the cookers. The temperature must be carefully regulated to insure absorption of the ingredients without overcooking, which creates a flat body.
[h=3] Finishing [/h]

  • [*=left] 5 Once the cooking is complete, the ketchup mixture passes through a finishing machine. Finishers remove excess fiber and particles through screens, creating a smoother consistency. The ketchup passes to a holding tank before further processing.
    [*=left] 6 The ketchup may be milled at higher temperatures and pressures to achieve a smoother consistency.
[h=3] Removing air [/h]

  • [*=left] 7 The ketchup must be de-aerated to prevent discoloration and growth of bacteria. Excess air might also create unattractive air pockets and impede the closure process.
[h=3] Filling [/h]

  • [*=left] 8 To prevent contamination, the ketchup passes from the receiving tanks to the filling machines at a temperature not lower than 190°F (88°C). The containers are filled with the ketchup and immediately sealed to retain the freshness of the product. Ketchup containers come in various sizes and shapes, including 14-oz. bottles, No. 10 cans, pouch packs, room-service sizes, and single-serve packets.
[h=3] Cooling [/h]

  • [*=left] 9 The containers must be cooled to prevent flavor loss through stack burning, which occurs when ketchup stays at high temperatures after cooking is complete. Containers of ketchup may be cooled in cold air or cold water.
[h=3] Labeling and packing [/h]

  • [*=left] 10 Finally, the ketchup containers are labeled and coded with product information, including ingredients, date and location of manufacture, and shelf-life. The bottled ketchup may be inspected again before shipping. The entire process of ketchup manufacturing generally takes two to three hours.
[h=2]Quality Control[/h]
Some of the commonly used preservatives during the 19th century included benzoate of soda, borax salicylic acid, benzoic, and formaldehyde, all of which could pose health risks when consumed in large quantities. A series of Pure Food Laws beginning in 1906 banned the use of the harmful preservatives.​
In 1940, the U.S. government established a "Standard of Identity" for ketchup as tomato-based. Thus consumers could tell from the label that the product was made of tomatoes, since ketchup could also be made from other foods, including bananas, beets, or mangoes.​
The quality of ketchup is insured by taking samples of the product during various stages of production. Tomato growers must comply with regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration regarding the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Increasing concern in the closing decades of the 20th century led to increased use of natural fertilizers and pesticides. Inspection is necessary of the tomatoes, ingredients, and of all processing equipment which comes into contact with the product.​
Oxidation of ketchup can darken the color of ketchup, but de-aeration of the sauce during manufacture can prevent this problem. However, once the containers are opened, oxidation may still occur. Although the acidity of ketchup preserves the sauce, manufacturers recommend that once containers are opened they should be refrigerated to prevent deterioration of the ketchup color, flavor, and quality.
To maintain consistency in color and flavor, manufacturers determine the concentration of tomato solids in the mixture, since about one-third of the ketchup's acidity and sugar content depends on the amount of solids. The ketchup Grades A through C must conform to specific concentrations. The quality of the ketchup can be measured by its physical consistency, or body, which refers to the ability of the ketchup to retain its liquid in suspension. The slower the rate, the higher the grade of the ketchup. For instance, the Bostwick Consistometer, recommended by the USDA, set Grades A and B at flow rates at less than 4 inches (10 cm) in 30 seconds at 68°F (20°C).​
[h=2]The Future[/h]
Ketchup manufacturers continue to improve the quality of ketchup by developing tomato strains that are superior in color, flavor, and firmness. Tomato hybrids are also engineered to improve resistance to disease and rot, thus decreasing the reliance on chemical pesticides.​
In the 1990s, in response to consumer demand for more healthful foods, ketchup manufacturers created low-calorie, low-salt ketchup alternatives. The increasing popularity of Spanish salsas and marinades also influenced manufacturers to develop salsa-style ketchups which were lower in sugar content. Packaging technology continues to

improve as consumers demand safer, more convenient, and recyclable containers.​
[h=2]Where To Learn More[/h] [h=3] Book [/h]
Gould, Wilbur A. Tomato Production, Processing, and Quality Evaluation, 2nd ed. AVI Publishing Company, Inc., 1983.​
[h=3] Periodicals [/h]
McDermott, Michael J. "Salsamania! Mexican Sauce Marketing." Food & Beverage Marketing, August 1993, p. 8.​
Strenk, Thomas. "Ketchup." Restaurant Business Magazine. May 20, 1993, p. 99.​
Wagner, Jim. "Building the Best New Products in America." Food Processing, November 1993, p. 16.​
[h=3] Other [/h]
All About Heinz Ketchup. H.J. Heinz Co., 1991. P.O. Box 57, Pittsburg, PA, 15230-0057.​