عضو جدید
با سلام لطفا مقالات زیر را در صورت امکان :
Paul, P.C., et al., "Out-of-Plane Analysis of Composite
Structures," Final Report on NADC Contract N62269-87-R-0226,
Submitted August 1989.
Jones, R.M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, Hemisphere
Publishing Corporation, New York, 1975, pp. 76-80.
McCarty, J.E., et al.,"Damage Tolerance of Composites," Interim
Reports 1-8, Contract No. F33615-82-C-3213, March 1983 - September
Ogonowski, J.M. and Sanger, K.B., "Postbuckling of Curved and Flat
Stiffened Composite Panels Under Combined Loads," NADC-81097-60,
December 1984.
Paul, P.C., et al., "Out-of-Plane Analysis of Composite
Structures," Final Report on NADC Contract N62269-87-R-0226,
Submitted August 1989.
Jones, R.M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, Hemisphere
Publishing Corporation, New York, 1975, pp. 76-80.
McCarty, J.E., et al.,"Damage Tolerance of Composites," Interim
Reports 1-8, Contract No. F33615-82-C-3213, March 1983 - September
Ogonowski, J.M. and Sanger, K.B., "Postbuckling of Curved and Flat
Stiffened Composite Panels Under Combined Loads," NADC-81097-60,
December 1984.